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What People Are Saying About The XiaXue VS Obesity In Media Debacle

What People Are Saying About The XiaXue VS Obesity In Media Debacle

Celebrity News
By Karmen on 19 Feb 2020
Digital Editor
Has severe RBF but is fairly jolly and carefree on the inside. Degree of life satisfaction is heavily influenced by food.

You might have heard of Singaporean blogger Xiaxue. Recently, she sparked passionate debate with her controversial views on Instagram with strongly-worded criticism of how media glamourises obesity.

Let's just say that the public reaction has been a ride!

Keep reading to find out more!

It all started last week when Xiaxue brought up the topic of Adele's recent weight loss and linked her 2012 blogpost which detailed her critique of Adele's statements that she argued was hypocritical and perpetuating fat acceptance.

xiaxue comments on adele via InstagramPhoto from @xiaxue via Instagram

She then uploaded an Instagram post about obesity, stating that "the morbidly obese... should never be seen as attractive because death and disease isn't attractive." Xiaxue's initial post was taken down by Instagram after being repeatedly flagged as harassment. She then reuploaded it as Insta-stories.

xiaxue comments on obesity in mediaPhoto from @xiaxue via Instagram

The image she used as an example of obesity was plus-sized model La'Shaunae, who then responded via Twitter, saying "Why are thin people this obsessed with letting me know indirectly they think I'm unattractive to them... I don't owe anyone an explanation for why I'm fat or don't exercise."

luhshawnays response to xiaxue via TwitterPhoto from @luhshawnays via Twitter

@luhshawnays via TwitterPhoto from @luhshawnays via Twitter

Xiaxue argued that her statements were not intended as fat shaming or for "chubby or regular fat people" but specifically for morbidly obese people, and that "people with BMI of 50 and above shouldn't be romanticized or glorified in the media."

xiaxue comments on obesity in mediaPhoto from @xiaxue via Instagram

xiaxue comments on obesity in mediaPhoto from @xiaxue via Instagram

As expected, she received a tirade of criticism in the comments.

Instagram comments about the Xiaxue controversy regarding obesity in mediaPhoto from Instagram

xiaxue comments on obesity in mediaPhoto from @xiaxue via Instagram

On the other hand, there were also comments that were supportive of her opinion.

viewer response to xiaxue's comments on obesity in mediaPhoto from @xiaxue via Instagram

Instagram comments about the Xiaxue controversy regarding obesity in mediaPhoto from Instagram

Despite the backlash, Xiaxue continued to reiterate her opinion while adding that she "agrees that curves are beautiful" but that she disagrees when "the media preaches inclusiveness and acceptance for [morbidly obese people] and forces people to agree or be labelled fatphobic."

xiaxue comments on obesity in mediaPhoto from @xiaxue via Instagram

She then uploaded examples of comments like "You're beautiful" and "Thank you for your beauty" under the Instagram posts of models who are size 20 and above. She then stated that "people who enable their weight and make them feel like morbid obesity is something to be proud of, to be celebrated, are very real and very rampant... They know if they were normal sized, nobody would give two hoots about their selfies. They never bother to lose weight and inevitable gain even more."

xiaxue comments on obesity in mediaPhoto from @xiaxue via Instagram

xiaxue comments on obesity in mediaPhoto from @xiaxue via Instagram

xiaxue comments on obesity in mediaPhoto from @xiaxue via Instagram

A few days later, Singaporean actress Oon Shu An published an Instagram post in support for La'Shaunae, arguing that "the message that so many [fat people] are getting now is that they should be ashamed of themselves... It ISN’T about being politically correct. It's about FINALLY treating them with some form of dignity."

oon shu an's comments on obesity in mediaPhoto from @oonshuan via Instagram

oon shu an's comments on obesity in mediaPhoto from @oonshuan via Instagram

Shortly after, Xiaxue wrote a comment on Shu An's post.

Instagram comments about the Xiaxue controversy regarding obesity in mediaPhoto from Instagram

Followed by Shu An's reply to her comment.

Instagram comments about the Xiaxue controversy regarding obesity in mediaPhoto from Instagram

International media sites from the United Kingdom and Australia such as Daily Mail, Metro and News have also covered the news. Interestingly, a majority of these sites have narratives that are in support of Xiaxue's critics. Headlines include words like 'shaming' and 'fatphobia' while the content doesn't address the issue of the media's portrayal of obesity. In contrast, Asian media sites like 8world tend to report the incident in a more balanced light.

What's tricky about this topic is how wide the scale of opinions can fall: obese people are unhealthy, should not be portrayed as beautiful in media -- Obese people shouldn't be glorified in media but shouldn't be criticised for their weight -- Obese people should be visible in media to recognise them as a part of society -- Obese people are beautiful, should be proud of their bodies, be positively portrayed in media and shouldn't receive criticism from people who aren't doctors. We're sure there are even more sub-sections in this range of opinions.

What are your thoughts on the situation?

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Text by: GirlStyle SG

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