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The One-Step Korean Swordmove That Cripples Pimple Power! Read On To Master This New Beauty Kung Fu.

The One-Step Korean Swordmove That Cripples Pimple Power! Read On To Master This New Beauty Kung Fu.

Beauty Skincare Makeup Tips
By christinelai on 18 May 2018

Can't stop squeezing your pimples? Let's learn from the Beauty Queen South Koreans on their pimple strategies!


At the first sighting of an emerging pimple, you have to first decide:
Attack or Protect?

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Intuitively, people start launching pimple attacks. Squeeze it out and let the blood ooze? Or would you rather cultivate the pimples, be patient and wait it out? As a result, pimple scars are inevitable and it takes ages to heal.

1. A Different Mindset
Koreans take on a different approach towards pimple care. Instead of viewing it as an attack on their face and pride, they see it as a form of warning that they need to step up on cleanliness and make healthier food choices.

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2. Reflect On Your Lifestyle And Eating Habits.
There are many triggers that support the growth of pimples on our skin. Triggers such as dirt, excess oil secretion, unhealthy sleep cycle, the environment and bad eating habits etc.

When it's a recurring problem, examine your lifestyle, your environment (including bedsheets and pillow cases), your eating habits. Do you touch your face often? Do you face your phone down on the table before bringing it to your face? These subtle everyday behaviours make a difference. You might find the root problem and resolve a big part of your pimple woes!



3. Regularly Moisturise and Exfoliate Your Face
Exfoliate your face about once a week to unclog your pores. You can say, it is like deep cleaning. You may do it more than once a week but make sure to be consistent in your routine. Do not overdo scrubbing. Moisturise your face regularly with cream and lotion to keep your skin healthy and strong.

Exfoliation will clean your face thoroughly and moisturisers will help prevent dryness from exfoliation and other chemically harsh products like pimple gels and tea tree oils on your face.

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4. Vitamin C Serum
This popular serum has many skin benefits but specifically on the topic of pimples, it helps to lighten your skin tone, reduce acne-scarring, prevent hyper-pigmentation and it adds as a shield from pollution impacts.


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5. Acne Patches : Dr.Wonder and Cosrx
You will hardly see Koreans walking on the street with big red visible pimples. Their solution: Acne Patches.


Acne patches will conceal the redness. When you keep it on for 10 hours, the patch will suck up the pus and promote healing. When it's time to peel it off, the pimple is almost gone. Change it everyday until it's gone. We strongly recommend these 2 brands: Dr.Wonder and Cosrx.  

They are tested and proven worthy.


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dr_wonder_acne_patch_mint_1518675958_7e7799bePhoto from Carousell

Say Goodbye to the awkward stares when pimples decide to pay you a visit! With the all-concealing pimple patches, you don't need to worry. You simply need to get used to it as Singaporeans ease into this new trend following the Korean's footsteps.

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Put on your acne patches, disguise the reds and you are good to go! These essential skincare tips will help you get through important meet ups when your skin just isn't feeling good.

Text by: Girlsdaily SG