Having A Bad Day? Maybe Comedian Celeste Barber Can Cheer You Up!
The truth we never knew we needed.
We all know how those celebrities and influencers on Instagram look: flawless.
Comedian Celeste Barber tries to recreate images and videos posted by supermodels and influencers and boy, are they on point.. This is probably how it'll look like when we try to be supermodels when we are not. Ready?
When you try to pull a Britney at the beach but the waves decide to hit you with the truth instead.
When you try to recreate that hot model look in your backyard but the water's too cold.
When your sex appeal is seasonal. #celestechallengeaccepted #celestebarber #funny
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What you think you look like having brunch but really...
Empowering // Brave #celestechallengeaccepted #celestebarber #funny #alexisren
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When you want to look hot like Hailey Baldwin after a long day at the beach but end up revealing your true self.
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When you get your boyfriend to help you recreate a dope and sexy beach look but end up looking like you got a stroke midway.
Beach power nap. #celestechallengeaccepted #celestebarber #funny #candiceswanepoel
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This just shows the power of LV and its ability to transform trash into stars. No pun intended.
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How you think you look vs how you really look.
The weekly shop. #celestechallengeaccepted #celestebarber #funny #chloemoretz
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Want to see more of Celeste Barber? Head over to her profile and check out more of her works and laugh it out!
Remember, what you see on social media may not reflect the truth in reality. Don't let society's definition of 'perfection' makes you feel any less about yourself.
Text by: Girlsdaily SG