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How You React To Stress & The Best Way To Relieve It According To Your Zodiac

How You React To Stress & The Best Way To Relieve It According To Your Zodiac

Wellness Personality Quizzes & Astrology
By Karmen on 28 Nov 2019
Digital Editor

In this fast-paced and competitive society, there's no escape from stress!

Your zodiac may play a role in how you react to stress and give insight on what's the best way for you to deal with it.

Keep reading to find out more!

#1 Aries

asian girl wearing a white top and holding a cushionPhoto from Pinterest

Your response to stress: complaining to your heart's content!

Efficiency and productivity is important to you and if someone or something is holding you back, it can be incredibly frustrating. Confiding in your friends and colleagues is a great way to let out that energy and make you feel better, but if you still have some leftover stress, try doing some physical activities!

You can go for a high-intensity workout, yoga session or simply take a brisk walk around your school or office to let off some steam.

#2 Taurus

asian guy wearing black and holding a brown catPhoto from Pinterest

Your response to stress: procrastinate.

Being in your comfort zone makes you feel safe and when you're pushed into a difficult or unfamiliar situation, your stress level may skyrocket. This explains why your response to the stress of an overwhelming task is to procrastinate and focus on other things to pretend the issue doesn't exist for the time being.

The next time you feel stressed out, you can release the tension with a calm and peaceful activity such as meditation or aromatherapy in a quiet and comfortable atmosphere. Cooking, writing, or doing handicrafts can also help you de-stress.

#3 Gemini

asian guy wearing a brown coat and looking at his phonePhoto from Pinterest

Your response to stress: overthink.

Geminis get stressed about stress. You're hyper-focused and tend to internalise and overthink the situation which makes the stress build up to an explosive stage.

The best way for you to relieve stress is to try a calming activity that keeps your mind active but doesn't need too much thinking like playing simple mobile games, experimenting with makeup or finding new music to add to a playlist.

#4 Cancer

asian girl sleeping at the deskPhoto from Pinterest

Your response to stress: wallowing in misery.

Cancers are in touch with their emotions and tend to retreat into their own shell when faced with stress. Anxiety weighs down on you heavily and sometimes you might stop trying to fight the negative emotions.

While you love having 'me' time, it's important to spend quality time with your loved ones to relieve stress. Simple activities like sharing a meal with your family and friends can do wonders to improve your mood and make you smile again.

#5 Leo

asian guy with hands on his facePhoto from Pinterest

Your response to stress: denial.

Leos tend to pretend that nothing fazes them, but secretly, they get stressed out too!

To de-stress, the first step is to acknowledge that you're feeling stressed. The second step is to have fun! Jio your family and friends to a movie, K-box session, clubbing or whatever that fits your definition of having a good time.

#6 Virgo

asian guy readingPhoto from Pinterest

Your response to stress: organising your workload and environment.

When stressed, your instinct is to organise your thoughts and your workspace to make yourself feel like you're still in control.

What will help you de-stress is being in your happy place! Make sure your environment is free from mess and distractions. Neutral colours and minimalist styles are good ideas too. Try setting aside some quiet time to yourself like listening to music while relaxing at a library.

#7 Libra

asian girl wearing a tracksuit in a libraryPhoto from Pinterest

Your response to stress: repress it.

You don't cope well with stress at all and tend to shrink back or shut down in a difficult situation.

Surrounding yourself with aesthetically-pleasing things can help relieve stress and re-establish a sense of balance to your life. There are plenty of Insta-worthy cafes in Singapore that are great places for you to indulge in good food and atmosphere to make you feel better.

#8 Scorpio

asian girl sleeping at the deskPhoto from Pinterest

Your response to stress: ignore it, then work like crazy.

You tend to let the stress build up to a crushing level before starting to pay attention to it.

The best way for you to deal with stress is to share your troubles with others as soon as you start to feel the slightest bit of stress. Even if no one else can help in terms of making the workload easier, it can be emotionally liberating for you to simply confide in others. This can also encourage you to deal with the situation earlier before it gets to an unmanageable level.

After that, pamper yourself to a relaxing activity like going for a facial or getting your nails done!

#9 Sagittarius

asian girl looking at her laptop while in a cafePhoto from Pinterest

Your response to stress: just wing it.

Sagittarians use humour as a coping mechanism for stress and will avoid emotional turmoil at all costs. You will keep to yourself about your negative emotions and charge forward without a plan.

Surround yourself with go-getters and motivated people at work or school that will inspire you to act earlier instead of letting the stress build up. Doing some light exercise and spending quality time with your friends and family can make you feel better too.

#10 Capricorn

asian girl listening to music and reading a bookPhoto from Pinterest

Your response to stress: go partying.

Capricorns tend to be ambitious, disciplined and masters at managing stress. You're able to stand your ground and face stressful situations in a level-headed and systematic way.

We don't have much advice for you as your instinctive response to stress works well. Some fail-safe ideas to help you wind down after a stressful day is to get a good massage or have a relaxing meditation session.

#11 Aquarius

asian girl with legs folded up and face buried in her handsPhoto from Pinterest

Your response to stress: isolation.

As one of the biggest culprits of procrastination among the zodiacs, Aquarians prefer not to deal with stress immediately. You also tend to detach yourself from others and deal with the situation on your own.

Try getting out of your comfort zone and talk about your troubles with others, even those who are not in your closer social circle. Who knows, they might have a fresh perspective that could help you deal with a stressful situation. Indulging in your favourite hobby can also help you relax so you can get back into work-mode with a clearer head.

#12 Pisces

asian girl eating a pizzaPhoto from Pinterest

Your response to stress: do something crazy.

You probably cope with stress by doing something quite dramatic like getting a spontaneous tattoo, splurging on a shopping spree or going ham at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

You find escape and relief in your creativity and imagination, so next time you're stressed out, dive into expressive, artistic activities like drawing or singing that you won't regret later on.

If these peaceful and practical options don't work out, you can always relieve stress with good old-fashioned violence (without harming yourself, others or anything of course). There are various cathartic activities in Singapore that will let you release your pent up aggression like shooting, throwing axes and smashing things.

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Text by: GirlStyle SG

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