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5 Tips To Deal With Money When Travelling In A Group

5 Tips To Deal With Money When Travelling In A Group

By Karmen on 18 Oct 2019
Digital Editor

If you're travelling in a group, the issue of money can be tricky. If not handled with care, it could cause tension or even a falling out!

To keep your friendship intact, read on to find out some money tips for your next group holiday!

#1 Decide on a budget and stick to it

group of asian friends posing in front of a purple restaurantPhoto from Pinterest

When you're travelling in a group, there will most likely be a variation of budgets. To make things easier, get everyone to agree on a rough budget.

Start with overall expenses like flight and shopping budgets. That way, if there are two groups of budgets, you can plan the itinerary to split temporarily for certain activities.

For the daily budget, divide it into sections like food, activities, accommodation and commute. If someone wants to go for a more expensive meal or activity, make sure it's voiced out and everyone agrees to it beforehand.

#2 Don't make anyone feel bad

group of girls in tokyo disneylandPhoto from Pinterest

Even with a carefully-planned budget, there still might be some deviation from it. If someone wants to pull out of an activity when they're short on cash, or someone decides to go for something that's too expensive for the rest of the group, don't make them feel bad about it.

One or two people can accompany that lone friend, or he/she can do their own thing and meet up with the rest of the group after! No worries!

#3 Note down all the shared expenses

3 girl friends wearing matching outfits eating pizzaPhoto from Pinterest

It can be difficult to keep track of who's paying for what, so note everything down right away. Try using the Splitwise app that allows you to key in your group expenses easily. At the end of the trip, you can check the app to see who owes who how much and Paylah! each other.

#4 Prepare a buffer

Group of girl friends under a sakura treePhoto from Pinterest

When you're on a holiday, you may be in the mood to treat yourself. The costs for such spontaneous eats, drinks and activities can add up! Make sure everyone sets aside a little extra money for such occasions.

#5 Voice your opinion

three girls eating cotton candyPhoto from Pinterest

You know what they always say, communication is key. Bad communication is a recipe for disaster!

If you're concerned about someone spending too much, voice out your concerns. You wouldn't want a situation where the group spends beyond their budget to keep up with a richer friend.

Above all, relax and try not to be too concerned with finances so you and your friends can enjoy the trip fully. Check out more of our tips on how to have a smooth-sailing holiday with your friends!

Share this post with the friends that you're travelling with!

Text by: GirlStyle SG

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