How To Stop Yourself From Buying Things You Don't Need
Few people are immune from the temptation of impulse shopping. Unfortunately, the thrill of impulse spending never lasts, but the damage to your financial goals will.
Read on to find out 8 ways to curb your impulse shopping habits!
#1 Bring a limited amount of cash
Photo from Pinterest
Unless you're shopping overseas, try limiting the amount of cash you bring when you're going out to shop. Before heading out, calculate how much money you'll need according to your list of shopping essentials and bring only the amount of cash required to purchase it. Leave your credit cards behind! If you don't have the money on you, you can't spend it!
#2 Wait overnight before making a purchase
Photo from Pinterest
People commonly shop online from 10pm to 12am in the comfort of their own homes. Feeling cosy and in a sleepy state of mind, it may be easy to make impulse purchases!
Instead of buying something right when you see it, try sleeping on the decision instead. This gives you some time to let that exciting feeling of impulse shopping wear off. Once you've calmed down and have a fresh perspective, you can reconsider if you actually really need or want the item in a more rational way.
#3 Don't be tempted by flash sales
Photo from Pinterest
If you spot any sales or deals that says one-day only or has a time limit, don't let it rush you into buying anything! Unless it's already in your shopping list, try to pretend you didn't even see it. Trust us, there will always be more sales.
#4 Don't shop when you're stressed or sad
Photo from Pinterest
Although shopping can make you feel better for a short while, it's not a long term solution for your emotional problems, neither is it good for your bank account! Emotional shopping tends to lead to an accumulation of things that you will tire of quickly.
If you're feeling down, try to occupy yourself with other activities like having a meal with your loved ones or going for a light jog.
#5 Avoid social shopping
Photo from Pinterest
If you and your best friends love shopping together as an activity, it may be causing you to shop impulsively! When you're in a good mood while hanging out with your BFFs and watching them shop, you may be influenced to follow suit.
#6 Bring a sensible friend
Point #5 doesn't apply for certain friends like the financially-sensible or minimalist-living ones. If you have a wise friend who has no qualms in telling you not to buy something, bring them along when you go shopping! He or she can talk some sense into you before you make any impulse purchases.
#7 Limit your social media usage
Photo from Pinterest
Using social media apps like Instagram can lead you to develop an unhealthy habit of comparing yourself with others. Looking at what your friends have, the things they're buying, places they're going and meals they're having can trigger feelings of dissatisfaction and lead you to desire the same things.
To add on to that, there's also the increasing number of shopping ads and influencer posts designed to encourage you to buy, buy, buy!
#8 Keep reminding yourself of your big goals
Do you have big goals like getting your own HDB flat, starting a family or going on a 3-week holiday to New Zealand? Whenever you feel an urge to buy that 50th pair of shoes or that 100th pair of earrings, remind yourself of your big goals and that every dollar spent keeps you further away from it.
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Text by: GirlStyle SG