7 "Green Flags" To Look Out For To Know That He Is The Right One
Oftentimes, people will talk about their red flags in a relationship but what about some "green flags"? Here are some "green flags" that we think will show who is the right one for you.
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#1 Listens to you and supports your aspirations
It is important that he listens to you and supports your dreams and aspirations. Both of you can discuss your future plans and build a lasting relationship around both your dreams.
#2 Never puts you down deliberately and mockingly
It may be a norm for some couples to play and make fun of each other but sometimes one may take a joke too far, hurting the other party. If he is someone who puts in effort to find out what your limits are and steers clear from them, he may just be the right one for you.
#3 Compromises when necessary
There are bound to be things that the two of you cannot decide on but he will always take initiative to compromise when needed.
#4 Stops doing things you are uncomfortable with
Be it smoking, clubbing or having a habit that you are not comfortable with, when he knows that you don't like it, he stops doing it.
#5 Uses a calm, rational tone during arguments
It is easy to go too far with your words when there is a heated conflict. But he knows when and how to calm you down without using a single harsh word on you.
#6 Embraces all your quirks
He's always down to do something quirky with you and loves you for it!
#7 Loves you unconditionally
No matter what your flaws or insecurities are, he loves every bit of you even if he does not say it out loud. But somehow, you'll know.
Be the same understanding partner for him too by adhering to these green flags and we are sure that your relationship will last for a long time.
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Photos: Pinterest
Text by: GirlStyle SG