5 BFF Types & Matching Wallpapers, Which Is Your BFF??
Would you sell your best friend for a million dollar? You get a million dollars but you can no longer contact her, no longer see her and she will be in only-God-knows-where. Would you do it? Will he or she sell you?
HELLLL NNNOOOO! There's only that one class of friends that can scold you or even beat the sense out of you. That person is definitely worthy of the wallpaper space on your handphone.
1. I-Hate-You Bestfriend
Every 'I hate you' means 'I love you' and she will always appear in the nick of time to save the day. Even if the whole world misunderstand her, even if you both argue over stupid serious stuff. She is here for you. The most loyal, the one with the smelliest mouth and the one who greets you with the harshest of words.
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from pinterest
2. The Curtsy Bestfriend
All sugary sweet and lovely, pinky and matchy. You will never swear at each other and you may even share your bras or panties. (legit?) You wish to tell her the truth sometimes, but you're not sure how she feels. You don't want to upset her nor do you want to hurt her feelings. Nonetheless, you are always there for her and you both share all your secrets there is nothing to hide. These matchy sweet wallpapers are for you.
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Photo from pinterest
Photo from pinterest
Photo from pinterest
3. The Long Distance Bestfriend
You probably grew up together but for some reasons you both only meet up once in a blue moon. Yet, everytime you both catch up, it feels like no time passed at all. You don't need the 5 love languages to sustain the relationship, you just know that she is irreplaceable and you will never change her for anything else. The most low maintenance friend, all the more you need a matchy bestfriend wall paper once in a while.
Photo from pinterest
Photo from pinterest
Photo from pinterest
4. The Mother Bestfriend
It is inevitable that someday your BFF will become a mother. And many things will change. It used to be just you and her or us. Now there is a little pumpkin running around or little pumpkins. You can't help but feel jealous that your BFF is married now, has kids now and a whole new life! Sometimes, does she even remember the times you both shared together even sharing a single ice-cream??
Photo from pinterest
Photo from pinterest
Photo from pinterest
5. The Social Media Addict
You may meet each other every day but you both hardly talk. You text, you tweet and you tag. You let your fingers do the talking more than your mouth. Or maybe the person isn't you, it is your BFF who feels socially irresponsible. Sometimes, you feel like, are we even real anymore? But everything feels okay and you know there can be more...
This is great for a party of 4.
Photo from pinterest
Photo from pinterest
Photo from pinterest
Photo from pinterest
Which is your BFF Type?? Tag her today!!
Text by: Girlsdaily SG