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Every Girl Needs To Conquer Summer With One Of These Peach Earrings!

Every Girl Needs To Conquer Summer With One Of These Peach Earrings!

By elaine.kiew on 08 Apr 2019

If you have read our article on the yummiest-looking earrings, you would know that we are a sucker for cute ear candies. While fumbling around the internet, we chanced upon this peach that is now officially at the top of our wishlist!

Don't believe? Here's proof.

Mitao Store on ezbuyPhoto from Mitao Store on ezbuy

Ever since Living Coral was announced colour of the year, many peach-themed products have been released one after another. We love it!

Here's a closer look at the peach earring!

Mitao Store on ezbuyPhoto from Mitao Store on ezbuy

Going on a date? Bring this peach earring out and complete your look with a sweet coral makeup and cute dress!

Mitao Store on ezbuyPhoto from Mitao Store on ezbuy

Mitao Store on ezbuyPhoto from Mitao Store on ezbuy

This earring is now up for grabs at SGD$6.45 here.

Know a friend who would appreciate this cute earring? Spread the love and share it with them!

Photos: Mitao Store
Text by: GirlStyle SG


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