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Keep Calm & Stay Fit With These 5 Yoga Poses Perfect For Beginners

Keep Calm & Stay Fit With These 5 Yoga Poses Perfect For Beginners

By elaine.kiew on 17 Mar 2019

Have you ever noticed how most female yogis always seem to rock toned bodies? If you are looking to get into a sport that can help you keep calm and stay in shape (or get into shape), yoga is the way.

Yoga is a practice popular among many, especially women, as it helps one to build strength and flexibility. Aside from the physical benefits, some also pursue it religiously to find a form of inner peace.

Today, let's take a look at five yoga poses that are perfect for beginners to begin their journey to build strength and flexibility! Note them down, find a comfortable spot at home to try this sequence and find your balance.

#1 Mountain Pose


This may look simple and feels like a regular standing pose but it is the base for all standing poses and you would need to master this before moving onto more complex moves!

How to

  • Stand upright with your feet together
  • Press all ten toes down and spread them open
  • Inhale and exhale as you lift your chest and press the tops of your shoulders down

#2 Downward Facing Dog


This pose is used in many yoga practices and classes and can stretch and strengthen your entire body!

How to

  • Get on all fours and lift your hips up, drawing them up towards your heels
  • Straighten your legs while keeping your hips back. If your hamstrings are tight, keep your knees slightly bent to avoid hurting yourself
  • Hold that position for about 30 seconds before getting back to rest position

#3 Plank


You must have heard about how hard it is to plank. If you are just getting started it can be challenging but once you master the art of balancing on your hands while your body supports you, you will be a guru in no time.

How to

  • Get on all fours and lift your legs up and off the mat and your palms flat on your mat
  • Keep your shoulders down, away from your ears and ensure that you straighten a straight posture

#4 Tree


This position is perfect for beginners to work on their balancing game. While you keep your body balanced on one foot, your breathing game is put to the test

How to

  • Place your feet together then slowly lift your right foot up to rest on your inner left thigh
  • Press your hands together in a prayer position
  • Hold the position and take about 8 to 10 breaths and switch your foot
  • Keep your body straight and your shoulders relaxed

#5 Child's Pose


The Child's Pose is every yoga practitioners' go-to resting pose. Whenever you feel tired or need to relieve some tension or stress, give this pose a try

How to

  • Begin by kneeling on the mat while you sit your butt on your heel
  • Stretch your arms forward and lower your forehead to the mat
  • Hold for as long as you wish and stretch

What do you think? Don't you think these poses are incredibly easy? Note them down, find a comfortable spot at home to try these five poses.

Know a friend who's looking to tone up and might perhaps find yoga a potential go-to sport? Spread the love and share this post with them!

Photos: Do You Yoga
Text by: GirlStyle SG

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