Everyone Is Getting Attached #FOMO, We Found Each Other Despite Almost 0% Chance of Meeting
I know many people who met their spouse through matchmaking services or dating apps. Apart from the nasty rumours that say, guys just want to get into your pants, weird online creepers, etc. there is a bigger pool of men and women who are sincere and ready to meet someone they can keep for life.
Despite all the stigmas, it has changed the lives of many. Here is my story and some tips along the way.
The best thing about matchmaking and dating apps is the ability to bring 2 people, with almost zero chance of meeting together, and allowing a friendship or relationship to organically birth forth after meeting up.
We met up for dinner and a movie. Over dinner, we realized despite our different cultural backgrounds, we shared similar pasts, common hobbies and things started to make more sense. We both felt the same way, "this person is special" and we kept meeting up because we enjoyed each other's company.
To me, I found a keeper, a best friend, and most importantly, someone who understands. To a girl, finding someone who understands you is akin to finding gold. He is patient and became my confidant, one that makes my world more meaningful and less alone. It was worth the wait and it made sense why other relationships and dating didn't work out.
We all want to meet someone who is compatible and someone we are actually attracted to. We hope to meet this someone soon so we can share more of our life together, rather now than later. I cannot imagine not meeting him and most thankful that we both took the leap of faith and happened to be at the 'same place at the same time'.
For Introverts
I am not an introvert, but my boyfriend is. The only difference between meeting people through mutual friends and meeting strangers is borrowed trust. Yet, nothing beats spending time with your partner physically and the connection built then is greater than the "how you meet" stigma of dating a stranger.
For Busy People
If you're very busy with work or simply lazy to meet new people, the last thing on your mind could be finding a partner. Yet, you can't help but feel lonely sometimes. It's totally normal. Consider this matchmaking service called, GaiGai. GaiGai is an offline 'dating app'. Imagine a dating app but offline version with a team of professionals to help you along the way.
For People Who Are Skeptical Of Dating Apps
Bad experiences? There are more dating platforms now that can help to eliminate people who are not serious, fake profiles of people who are already married and scammers/stalkers. It happens, but it's honestly a small minority. Give it a try again.
There's another alternative to dating apps now.
Someone mentioned to me, "How nice will it be to have offline matchmaking. I don't like to put all my details online, I don't feel safe. And an absolutely no to meeting married men, creepers or one who just wants my citizenship!" It echoes the same fear among many.
GaiGai, An Offline Matchmaking Service
Unlike most dating platforms, GaiGai is an offline platform that actually provides professional services based on understanding you. And your preferences before giving you quality suggestions and dates. Ditch your matchmaker stereotypes because they are young, relevant and passionate to meet your needs.
When you sign up, you can expect many social events and quality dates. Sounds great to me. They understand how important it is for you to be comfortable and confident when it comes to meeting potential dates. Meet their relationship managers who are interested to understand you, give you pieces of helpful advice and then, their professional matchmaker will match you with compatible bachelors through their more than 50,000 singles in their database! Are you ready for dates?
GaiGai will set you up for quality dates and prior, screen all potential dates so there's higher credibility. So, vocalize your desires. There's no shaming in that. In fact, it is very important to be honest and open to find you the best matches.
Feel free to express during the profiling. You may talk to your relationship manager about anything. Things like your fundamental values & core, expectations when it comes to family, faith, fitness, finances, and share your hopes for the future. Feel free and be relaxed, just be who you are.
You can rest assure, GaiGai is serious about finding you a good match. They are SDN accredited, which means they will screen through every profile to ensure its truth and validity, eventually matching you with suitable dates.
It's not about meeting many people. It's about meeting the 1 special person. It's certainly time to think and act differently, be a step closer to finding someone compatible. All the best on your matchmaking journey<3
Text By: GirlStyle SG
Sponsored By: GaiGai