6 Singaporean Girls Spill The Tea On The Worst Tinder Dates They Ever Had To Endure
In recent years, online dating has taken the world by storm and almost everyone has an account on Tinder. However, not all Tinder experiences have a fairytale ending and more often than not, a majority of these encounters turn into a cringe-worthy memory you'd love to forget.
These stories you're about to read will not only make you cringe so bad your toes curl up but, they will also make you want to think twice about swiping right on Tinder. Curious to find out more? Scroll ahead to read more about the Tinder nightmare encounters that 6 Singaporean girls have been through.
*Names have been changed.
#1 REBECCA, 25
Let's call him Ben. So, I matched with Ben and we hit it off after texting for a bit. Hours later, I ended up spending the night at his place and it was probably one of the worst mistakes I've ever made. Before doing the deed, I made it very clear that this was just a one-time thing, with no attachment or whatsoever. Ben was super cool with it and claimed to be on the same page! The next day, we continued texting and I casually told Ben that I was going out on a date with another guy from Tinder. I was out having an amazing time with the new guy when Ben started to call me repeatedly. Thinking it was an emergency, I answered his call. What startled me was Ben bawling over the phone and him trying to convince me to call off the date. Definitely did not see this one coming and I was so shocked, I ended up blocking him. Needless to say, that was quite a scare and I stayed off Tinder for a bit.
#2 TRICIA, 21
I was out on a date with this guy who was totally my type. The date was going extremely well and I was feeling really positive about this guy. Halfway through dinner, the topic veered towards our past relationships. He was talking about his last relationship, which was completely no big deal. But what caused the trainwreck was that this guy was telling me everything about his sex life, including the fact that he had slept with more than 60 women and was extremely graphic when describing his previous sexual encounters. Also, he had contracted several sexually transmitted diseases in the past. He made it clear, almost boastfully, that he had been clean for 2 years. That threw me off quite a bit and made me realise I probably wasn't the girl he was looking for. It's no surprise that a second date didn't happen.
So, I matched with this guy whom I thought was one of the cutest guys on the app. We immediately planned for a date the next day and I remember feeling so excited. Turns out, I was catfished, big-time. But I didn't want to be mean and run off so I decided to go ahead with the initial plan. Halfway through dinner, he asked if I had deleted my Tinder account since we were already on a date. Clearly, I said no because this was just a date, not a relationship. The date started to turn into a nightmare as he berated me throughout dinner, calling me a slut for 'not sticking to one guy'. The worst part? It continued after the date through texts. As a result, I ended up blocking him and deleting Tinder for awhile.
#4 PAMELA, 22
Matched with a guy who seemed like a total gentleman and after several dates, we ended up having sex a few times. Things looked like they were going well until one particular date. During dinner, he told me that he was selling insurance policies for a living and he actually spent the next two hours convincing me to buy a policy from him. I was a student at the time and didn't exactly have the budget for another policy hence, I declined. The date ended not long after and he ghosted me once the night had ended. Took me awhile to realise that I was only seen as a potential client and nothing else so, that hurt me quite a bit. After this incident, I've definitely learned to take things a little slower now.
#5 WEI YAN, 24
I’d been chatting to a guy for a few days, and we ended up going out on a date. All seemed normal and I was actually quite keen to go on a second date. The next day, I had an urgent meeting at work and couldn't reply to any of his texts. Thinking that he would understand since we were all working adults, I didn't bother taking the time to drop him a short text. On hindsight, I probably should have done that. He went mad accusing me of sleeping with other guys, saying that was why I wasn’t replying to him. I was already dealing with a lot of work-related issues and I did not need more things on my plate. Wasn't the best and nicest thing I've done but, I decided to ghost him and he finally got the hint about a month later.
#6 DEANNA, 19
I started talking to this really sweet guy for about a week and things were going well. We had a date planned and the night before, he surprisingly dropped me several text messages that were extremely raunchy. As if that wasn't enough, he included unsolicited photos of his nether regions. Quite a huge turn-off, I'd have to admit. However, I'm not the kind to back out of a date so I decided to just give this dude two hours of my life and get away from him forever. Halfway through the date, I actually received an Instagram DM from this random girl who turned out to be his long-term girlfriend! Apparently, she had been snooping around his laptop, which showed our texts and my Instagram profile. She sent me evidence and I decided to call him out halfway through dinner and he thought it was the perfect timing to ask me if I would consent to a threesome. Never bolted out of a date this fast before!
Know anyone who is a Tinderella? Share this with them!
Photo Source: Unsplash
Text By: GirlStyle Singapore