Dreams Come True With These Exceptional Disney Wedding Dresses!
Dazzle your way through on your wedding day with these exquisite Disney Princess-inspired wedding dresses. Walk the once-in-a-lifetime aisle in the dress that you grew up wishing that you can one day wear something like that -It's possible now!
This wedding gown line is launched by a Japan-based wedding company, called Kuraudia Co.
It also comes with matching wedding tuxes for the real-life prince charming for all the lucky bride-to-be's!
These dresses are tailored made down to the details, with each princess' iconic colours and styles.
The dresses are approximately $3600 USD each. Check out the dresses below!
The dilemma comes when the most flattering dress on you is different from your favourite Disney Princess! And that means for many book-loving beauties, the iconic yellow dress that Belle wears is not the best colour on us fair-skinned Asians. Good new for those who have a darker skin tone, yellow will pop up and shine on darker skins!
Snow White's gown would be the most popular as red is seen as an auspicious colour in Asian culture, especially at such an important event! Just be really really careful with apples~
At the end of course, the typical classy white gown inspired by Disney Princesses'.
Aww, my heart is full. My life is complete as these gowns are made real and available!! Who wants to marry now!!
Text By: Girlstyle SG