Can You Catch 'Em All? 'Pokémon Quest' Wants To Challenge You!
When Pokemon Go launched in Singapore in Aug 2016, the whole city went crazy. Pokemon 'trainers' gathered at hot spots like Hougang Blk 401...
Photo from Today
... and also risked their life while crossing the road just to chase rare Pokemon like Snorlax and Gyarados. Were you part of that crowd? :P
This sure brought back great memories but we are about to be spoiled for MORE in the all new Nintendo Quest!
From the trailer released by Nintendo, we can see that Pokemon Quest features blocky designs of various Pokemon in a "cutsey art style". Take our Pikachu for example!
Pokemon Quest is a free game (fyeah!) set in a new Pokemon land called Tumblecube Island and it is set to be released on the Android and iOS stores in late June.
These cute-shaped Pokemon would move on their own but players would get to decide their attacks! Pokemon trainers can expect to collect power stones and other treasures in Tumblecube in every stage. Woohoo!
Similar to other Pokemon games, trainers can power up their Pokemon and watch them evolve!
At their 'home base', Pokemon trainers can also 'cook' enticing food to LURE other Pokemons. How cute!
Even though some seasoned Pokemon trainers argued that it seemed a little too similar to the Minecraft Pixelmon,
Photo from Minecraft: Pixelmon
We girls still can't help but gush over the Pokemons in Pokemon Quest.
Photo from IGN
Pokemon Quest is now available on Nintendo Switch! For the smart phone version, stay tuned for updates in late June. Brb while we catch 'em all on our Switch! :P
Text by: Girlsdaily SG