Lerine Yeo, Our Favourite 'S Hook Ah Lian' Get A Chance To Join Mark Lee's Company!
By now, everyone should have heard about Lerine Yeo, Singapore's new favourite heartlander Ah Lian Jie Jie, who sells stuff online by means of her quirky and funny videos. Her 'S Hook shirt' video went viral, making her practically a 'mini star' overnight, from an unknown.
Photo from Business Insider Singapore
Things are looking really good now for our beloved heartland Ah Lian as she has been offered an opportunity with Mark Lee's company!
Photo from The Urban Wire
Reminds us how Justin Bieber was discovered after he uploaded videos of himself on Youtube and shot to international stardom almost instantaneously.
30-year-old Lerine Yeo, the newest Facebook sensation, is the owner of (online) Misshopper Boutique and has reportedly just signed a two-year contract with Mark Lee's artiste management company.
Photo from Pinterest
We must admit that her entertainment value is undoubtedly high. Watch her videos to be acquainted. (if you have not yet)
Mark Lee, has said that Lerine reminded him of a younger Patricia Mok.
Photo from Goodyfeed
"She is really funny and quick-witted, and it's really amazing how she can switch here and there between English, Chinese and Hokkien.''
Initially, she started live-streaming on Facebook in order to get rid of the leftover apparel from her online shop. When she first started, she only had 20 plus views for each video. It was sad and disheartening.
Things took a drastic turn when she did the rip-roaring 'S Hook Shirt' video that took the media landscape by storm.
In that first video, Lerine launches into an animated sales pitch about why you need to buy a black 'hook' t-shirt. (precisely, because why on earth would anyone need a shirt with so many hooks)
Photo from Facebook
In her video, Lerine demonstrates her creative prowess as shows viewers how to utilise the little 'holes' in the $9 top (in a practical way) to 'hoot' various items such as an umbrella (all the aunties say yay!), a packet of wanton mee (ingenious!), EZ-Link cards...so your hands are free. (to maybe text or play games on your mobile phone or fend off hooligans when walking through dark alleys at night)
You can take your Teh Tarik everywhere and remain hands free!
Photo from Pinterest
We love the idea already.
Photo from The Best Singapore
The EZ-Link card cracked us up endlessly, because it was so ridiculous yet practical.
It is her candid demeanour and uncensored way of selling her items that make her so relatable and popular amongst Singaporeans. In her second video, where she sells a tight, short mini dress, she tells viewers in a very frank manner (deadpan look too) that taller girls are not advised to wear this dress because "the chances of getting people to see your 'ka cheng' is very high, 80% high".
Photo from Asiaone
Mark Lee says it's precisely this quality about her that he loves. When some people make obscene jokes, they just sound downright lewd and crass, but with Lerine, she manages to traverse such 'controversial' territory without sounding 'low-class' or offensive.
"When my humble business started to pick up after three months and viewers increased, people started attacking and smearing me. During that period, I was really affected. I bled and recovered, recovered and bled again and again."
We think that's really well said and pretty inspiring. Who cares about detractors when she gets the last laugh as she now gets to chance to be groomed by Mark Lee and who knows, she might just become the Next Big Star In Singapore.
Haters gonna hate.
Photo from The New Paper
Our money is on her. #Teamlerine
Text By: Girlstyle SG