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You Can Now Revisit Your 90s Childhood With A Stay In A Real Polly Pocket House In Massachusetts

You Can Now Revisit Your 90s Childhood With A Stay In A Real Polly Pocket House In Massachusetts

Lifestyle Travel
By Allison Kong on 13 Aug 2024
Writes about all things beauty, fashion, lifestyle, and entertainment. When she’s not writing, she’s probably lost in a daydream. Oh, and she definitely loves animals more than most people.

Every little girl's dream is to live in a doll house, dressed like dolls. Well good news because, Airbnb is stepping up its game with a super cute new stay: a Polly Pocket-themed compact to celebrate the toy's 35th birthday! That’s right—you can now immerse yourself in Polly Pocket’s iconic mini world, hosted by Polly Pocket herself.

Polly Pocket AirbnbPhoto from Airbnb

Created in 1983 by British designer Chris Wiggs for his daughter, Polly Pocket quickly became a sensation and was soon acquired by Mattel. Now, it’s back in a big way with this unique experience.

Polly Pocket AirbnbPhoto from Airbnb

This exciting new stay features a two-story Slumber Party Fun compact, standing 42 feet tall and filled with 90s nostalgia.

Polly Pocket AirbnbPhoto from Airbnb

Polly's girly outfitsPhoto from Airbnb

The interior had us screaming with joy! Bright pink and purple dominate the space, complemented by sunny yellow accents on the rugs, chairs, and stairs. Also, the teal pops on the TV, fridge, door, and sofa? Cute!

Polly Pocket Airbnb interiorPhoto from Airbnb

If you book this stay with Airbnb, you will enjoy 24/7 access to explore the compact, try on Polly's clothes, play with hair and nail accessories, make custom matching charm bracelets with your BFF, munch on 90's snacks, and watch movies in the lounge, surrounded by nature.

For sleeps, there's a pullout couch or a life-sized Polly’s Action Park Tent, just a few steps away, (literally).

Polly Pocket AirbnbPhoto from Airbnb

Polly’s Action Park TentPhoto from Airbnb

You can book one of three one-night stays from 12 to 14 September 2024 for USD 89 (~SGD 118) per guest. Alternatively, you can enjoy a daytime visit from 16 September to 6 October. Bookings will open on 21 August at

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