Crazy Rich Asians Second Movie: Why 'China Rich Girlfriend' Is Even More Exciting Than Part 1!
If you thought 'Crazy Rich Asians' was insane, then say hello to 'China Rich Girlfriend', the sequel to the movie of the year!
The sequel to 'Crazy Rich Asians' is touted to be even more exhilarating than the first novel. Fans of the novel have forewarned that this story is even more addictive and compelling than the previous. Since it's launch, it has constantly topped the best seller lists in bookshops globally!
So why is this highly anticipated sequel even better and more exciting than the first? Here's a look!
Photo from DIgital Spy
- Expect A Crazier Plotline
This sequel has far more bitching, plotting, shady shenanigans, nefarious villainy and all kind of crazy escapades. Bound to keep you on your toes for the next two hours!
As far as storylines go, there's a brief poisoning scandal, (Rachel Chu gets mysteriously poisoned) secret investments (good guy Charlie, back at it again), and a messy affair between Kitty and a much, much older billionaire. OOoOo....Juicy!
Photo from Jing Daily
2. Kitty Pong (Fiona Xie) Will have more screen time as she assumes a bigger role in the sequel.
Photo from Pinterest
Love her or hate her, Kitty Pong is back with a huge vengeance this time as she takes on a bigger role in 'China Rich Girlfriend'. Aligned with her gold digging role in 'Crazy Rich Asians', this time she finds herself sinking her claws (talons) into a crazy rich, older billionaire in Hong Kong. See: Sugar Daddy.
Now who's gonna play Sugar Daddy then? We are curious to find out too!
Be sure to stay tuned for more of her outrageous but highly entertaining antics! And of course more romping around in drastically sexy dresses. Keep our eyes peeled.
3. Move Over Henry Golding and Constance Wu. Gemma Chan (Astrid) will be the main focal point here.
Photo from Twitter
Hands up all those who fell in love with Astrid Leong-Teo (Gemma Chan) from 'Crazy Rich Asians'!
We love her for her poise and elegance, definitely the modern version of the chic Audrey Hepburn. We cannot deny that she was the one who truly stole our hearts in the show.
Photo from Lifestyle Asia
If you love her fashion sense in the show, you'll be completely psyched for this sequel where she gets more air time!
We were super excited to see that her exciting love story would be the focal point of this new sequel. Yaassss.
The new film also will tell the story of Astrid, the cousin of Golding's character, Nick, with a man named Charlie played by Glee alum Harry Shum Jr.
Photo from Vox.com
Remember that surreptitious glance that was exchanged between Astrid and the mysterious stranger at the end? (that's Harry Shum Jr.) Turns out they both had history. He was her ex fiance! Move over Pierre Png...this sequel will talk about their 'tragic love story' and all mysteries will be revealed!
Photo from ShumDario
Woooo.... #hotdayum
Apparently he was the mysterious stranger dancing with her at the wedding in 'Crazy Rich Asians'.
Photo from PRI
We were super excited to see that her exciting love story would be the focal point of this new sequel. Yaassss.
4. Exciting Line up of new characters for 'China Rich Girlfriend'!
This sequel will introduce Bao Gaoling, a billionaire politician from Shanghai, who's Rachel's mysterious father. He has a problematic, spoilt car-loving son, Carlton Bao, who has a toxic relationship with a famous fashion blogger, Colette Bing, who comes from one of Elite circles in China.
Photo from Warner Bros
With all these additional characters, we can't hardly wait for the casting and see them brought to life on screen!
Photo from Pinterest
And of course, we can't wait to see more of the gorgeous Gemma Chan too!
Hold on tight to your seats, movie release dates will be revealed.
Text by: Girlstyle SG