Billionaire Heiress Kim Lim About Her Eating Disorder And Motherhood
Practically everyone knows who she is. She is an Instagram superstar and influencer with over 224k followers. Her Father, Peter Lim, happens to be one of richest men in Singapore, with a net worth of a whooping 2.1 billion dollars- easily more the the GDP of a third world country.
Photo from Prestige
You would think with that crazy amount of wealth she would be the envy of many and the happiest girl alive. However, we realised that it couldn't be any further from the truth.
Kim has said herself that she has always been a terribly insecure girl.
Photo from Harper's Bazaar
She is living proof that indeed, money can't buy everything in this world. Most certainly not happiness and security.
Growing up was a huge battle for her as she often felt inadequate and like she was never good enough.
"I'm always fighting with myself in the mirror, like I feel like I'm not good enough," she said, in a recent interview.
For years, she was suffering from a severe eating disorder.
It all started in Primary school, when the SCGS Alumni was in the school's TAF (Trim and Fit) club.
She often got bullied in school due to her weight and size which lead her to a downward spiral. Due to the teasing and social pressure, she then developed an eating disorder, and constantly fought with her own insecurities.
Photo from Singapore Tatler
"People would make fun of me, cos I was fat. I think it has left a mark." Perhaps the fact that she was in an all girls school made the pressure and the savagery even worse.
After primary school, Kim Lim went to a boarding school in London and that escalated the matter.
Photo from Prestige Eyebrows
"All the girls wanted to be skinny. And everyone would compare who was skinnier and so everyone just didn’t eat. And I think that me going there already feeling insecure, it just got worse."
In a bid to become skinny, she would starve herself and as a result, she developed gastric problems. She binged on diet pills and this escalated her gastro-intestinal issues.
Despite advice to get help from a counsellor, she refused to listen and continue on her downward spiral.
The turning point in her life came after she became pregnant and gained 28kg!
She decided to keep eating what she wanted and confidently told herself she would lose it all after pregnancy.
"After becoming a mum, you really start to mature. I realised that I need to be alive and well to take care of my son. I have to be strong for my son."
That was when she realised she had to take care of her body and be healthy in order to tend to her son.
Photo from Prestige
This added responsibility forced her to mature and let go of her own personal demons.
However it was a harsh lesson she learnt.
"I have to be on medication for life if I want to control my gastric."
No amount of visits to doctors could undo the years of damage that had already been done.
Photo from Harper's Bazaar
"I want to be a hot mum".
These days Kim Lim seems much happier and healthier thanks to her son Kyden. Gone are the dark days filled with depression and insecurity and the future seems much brighter for her now!
Girlstyle SG