Adorable Shiba Inu "McDonald's" Fast Food Toys You Can Shop Online In Singapore For Under $15
Collectable toy enthusiasts may have come across the viral "McDonald's" toys with little Shiba Inu going around social media.
Keep reading to find out more about these cute toys, where to shop for it online in Singapore & prices!
This hilariously adorable toy series is made in collaboration between toy company Animal Planet 动物星球 and Shiba Inu illustrator Xi Feng 西风八爪.
Photo from 西风八爪
The series has three toys, each depicting a chonky and rather despondent Shiba Inu in unlikely situations with fast food items. Although the red "packaging" and logo looks very much like the famous fast food chain we all know and love, it's not affiliated with this toy, hence the inverted "m" logo.
Photo from Animal Planet 动物星球
The Coke toy has a Shiba Inu about to burst out of a fast food drink cup. Look at those chubby cheeks!
Photo from Animal Planet 动物星球
The Take-Out Food is a Shiba Inu snugly fit into a paper bag complete with a receipt.
Photo from Animal Planet 动物星球
And the French Fries is an angry-looking Shiba Inu wearing a red hoodie with a box of fries on its head.
Photo from Animal Planet 动物星球
You can shop these cute toys at taobao.com for 69 yuan (~S$14.30) each or local toy store avol.sg for $55 each.
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Text by: GirlStyle SG