Omg, This Is Probably The World's Smallest And Cutest Durian Ever! #DuriansForLife
Durians have always been hailed as the King of Fruits thanks to its pungent unique smell, heavy weight and prickly thorns but never have we imagined that it could come in THIS SIZE too!
Photo from Year Of The Durian
Photo from Year Of The Durian
See? We're not kidding! These baby durians are literally palm-sized but see how 'meaty' the flesh are?! YUMZ!
Some of you may have seen these 'baby durians' in Singapore but today, they are mostly found in Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei.
These baby durians come in two special breeds (and colours): Durian Sukang (Red Durian) and Durian Dalit (Orange Durian) and the size is almost the same as a sepak takraw ball!
Photo from Year Of The Durian
They are so small that we can hold them with one hand~
Photo from Year Of The Durian
Due to its size, it is usually sold in piles and a kilo may vary from RM15 to RM35 per kg (depending on harvest and location).
Those who've tried it said that the flesh of these baby durians are thin and slightly bland, though there are others who tasted a 'sweet and sour' taste.
Have you tried it? If yes, tell us how it tastes in the comments section!
Text by: Girlsdaily SG