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5 Tips To Take Care Of Your Hands & Prevent Signs Of Premature Ageing

5 Tips To Take Care Of Your Hands & Prevent Signs Of Premature Ageing

By Karmen on 27 Jan 2023
Digital Editor

Often, we think of our face when it comes to anti-ageing, but the rest of our body ages too, and it shows. In particular, the hands are commonly the first part of the body to shows signs of ageing as they're constantly exposed to the elements.

Take a look at your mum, grandma or the mature ladies in your life who look younger than they are. Chances are, they've aged gracefully from the neck up but their hands give away their age.

Keep reading to check out tips to take care of your hands so they stay looking youthful

#1 Apply Sunscreen On Your Hands

woman applying sunscreen on handsPhoto from AdoreBeautyNZ via Pixabay

It's common knowledge we should apply sunscreen daily, but this rule extends beyond your face. Every part of the body from the scalp to the décolletage is susceptible to premature ageing from UV damage.

Besides the face, our hands are the most exposed to the sun. To prevent signs of premature ageing on the hands including dryness, wrinkles and age spots, make sure to wear SPF on your hands too, especially the back of your hands.

#2 Wear Gloves While Washing The Dishes

pastel pink and transparent dish washing glovesPhoto from via

When washing the dishes and clothes or cleaning the house, wear gloves to protect your hands. Hot water, dish soap and detergent strip away the natural oils on the skin. While doing these chores a few seconds or minutes a day doesn't seem like it would make a significant difference, over time, this may damage the skin barrier, leading to veiny, gaunt hands that are prone to wrinkles.

#3 Exfoliate

Just like how exfoliating the face sloughs off the dull outer layer to reveal new, fresh skin, your hands will also thank you for exfoliating them regularly. It will also help moisturisers absorb into the skin better.

Opt for body products that pull double duty as body washes and exfoliators. Whether they are chemical and physical exfoliators, they should be formulated  with clean, skin-loving ingredients such as ceramides, hyaluronic acid, glycolic, and lactic. These will help loosen the skin's top layer and sweep away dry, rough bumps for smoother and brighter skin.

#4 Moisturise

These days, using alcohol-based hand sanitiser and washing hands frequently has become a norm. The bad news is that this dehydrates and irritates the skin. Keep your hands moisturised and help your skin retain its elasticity by applying hand cream throughout the day.

#5 Take Care Of Your Nails & Cuticles

Sally Hansen Vitamin E Moisturizing Nail & Cuticle OilPhoto from Sally Hansen

Even if your skin is pristine and well maintained, brittle nails and ragged cuticles will still make the hands look aged. If you love getting gel manicures, try to take breaks in between each manicure as it can cause nail thinning, peeling and cracking.

Keep your nails and cuticles moisturised while it's on a nail polish break to help it repair and minimise brittleness. Opt for nail and cuticle oils that contain vitamin E as well as hydrating ingredients to condition cuticles while increasing nail flexibility.

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