When A Partner Cheats, Here's What You Should Do
We, women, are most innovative when it comes to 'man-handling' (pun intended). Needless to say, we have the killer instincts and natural flair in excavating truths. At the smallest movement of our partner, we know what is he up to. There's almost no hiding ANYWHERE. Let's talk about cheating~
In short, this Facebook user's partner confessed that he cheated on her and she forgives. But the fact remains unchanged; he will continue his habit of clubbing. The frequency is too often for her comfort. She needs time to heal. Should she believe him again?
Can you accept your partner clubbing every other week? Heck no.
To have a girlfriend/ wife yet he still clubs every other weekend is respect in its lowest form. Ladies walk away. Well, if it's for business means, BOUNDARIES should be defined in a way that both parties agree on what is okay and what is not. Focus on issues such as personal safety, partner's needs and what strengthens the relationship.
If your girl matters to you. Can you not talk properly?
Make her feel comfortable enough to full-on understand and support you. When she's in a state of constant guessing, it's hard to gain her trust. Be transparent and keep your promises. Sensitive topics like drinking, clubbing and basically grey areas when it comes to other women should be carefully approached. Good communication can resolve many differences. Don't snowball hard feelings!
She hasn't completely forgotten about the cheating episode.
Do you agree once a cheater, always a cheater? Well, statistics prove that there are both sides to this question. Some people learned from it and some don't. Every man is different. Do not label and generalise your man. Instead, stay calm and take some time off. Chill with your family more, catch up with your friends. A romantic relationship is just one of many other valuable relationships. Build on family, friends, hobby, career and etc
Never ever lose yourself.
Nobody can stir up the hate in you unless you allow them to. Nobody can make you angry unless you give them the power to affect your emotional balance. Even if your partner cheats. Face your emotions and let it all out. Walk through with your family and friends. YOU WILL BOUNCE BACK. Don't let a man to rub you the wrong way.
Talk about how you feel without pushing the blame to him.
It takes both parties to make things work or worse. Be honest and kind when you talk, pause and listen often. Don’t jump into conclusion. Give him a chance to speak. Remember, if talking things out happens, reconciliation is possible, get the answers you need. Walk away and end the relationship if you have to.
She turns to Facebook for help.
These are some responses from fellow netizens.
Cheating happens way too often. It comes to a point that people even question, is cheating even wrong? Friends with benefits, yay or nay? Faithfulness is expected in every relationship. Each relationship has its own unique story and chemistry. Yet, there are some healthy habits people develop to stay together for a long time, through life's ups and downs.
Can you swallow your pride?
Can you make the ruthless cut to free yourself from the toxic relationship?
Comment on our Facebook post and tell us what you think!
Text By: Girlsdaily SG