18 Hacks For Getting Ready Faster In The Morning If You’re Always Late For Work & Outings
Everyone has that one friend who’s notoriously late for everything. If you don’t know such a person, maybe it’s you ? #guiltyascharged
We get it; It takes time to look good, and life is already hectic enough. To save you the rush, here are some simple hacks to incorporate into your morning routine if you’re always fashionably late for work or dates - covering every stage of the process from advance preparation to getting ready on the day itself.
- Advance preparation -
#1: Braid or bun your hair before sleeping for easy overnight curls
Photo from COCO. via Pinterest
Those of us who are less skilled with hair styling would have to spend a considerable amount of time when using hot tools like curling tongs. An easy trick that costs you virtually zero time and effort is to braid or bun your hair before you sleep, so you’ll wake up with effortless overnight waves the next morning. Just spritz on some hairspray and you’re good to go!
#2: Choose your clothes the night before and hang them up within easy reach
Photo from IKEA Singapore
Although certain coordinates look great in our heads, wearing them IRL is a different story and sometimes we end up doing multiple “costume changes” before settling on anything that seems remotely acceptable. There’s also that problem of not being able to find your favourite top amidst the mountain of clothes in your ever-expanding closet.
The simple solution to this is to pick out your clothing the night before, and hang them up neatly within easy reach.
#3: Put your alarm clock at the other end of the room
Photo from @theglittercup via Instagram
It’s tempting to hit the snooze button multiple times when you’re in a sleepy stupor - or even turn it off entirely. Place your alarm clock at the other corner of your room far from your bed, and that’ll force you to get up to shut it off. Peeling yourself from your bed is already half the battle won, and it’s easier to get going once you’re already on your feet.
#4: Have an “essentials pouch” that’s easily moved from bag to bag
Photo from @luceyblooms via Instagram
We girls have many handbags for a reason - different outfits call for different styles! Like your clothes, your bags should also be decided on and packed the night before. To make things easier, you could store your top essentials in a pouch which you can easily grab and throw from bag to bag so you won’t have to spend so much time transferring.
This pouch can consist of items like your pads, compact mirror, and even a mini fan if you’re someone who sweats easily. Read our articles on essential items every Singaporean girl needs in her bag, and must-have handbag items for office ladies for more ideas.
#5: Download a bus timing app like SG Buses or SG BusLeh
Photo from SG BusLeh
While MRT train timings are more or less set with regular intervals, this isn’t always the case for buses which are subject to other factors like jams and traffic lights.
Here’s a relatable scenario: Bus A drops you off directly at the MRT. Bus B drops you off a slight distance away, requiring you to walk for 5 minutes. Your best pick is Bus A, but you end up waiting ages for it - thinking it’s going to arrive soon - while Bus B passes you thrice. You then give yourself a mental slap as taking Bus B would have gotten you to your destination earlier.
Plan your route wisely by using a bus app specially catered to Singaporeans - SG Buses (Apple, Android) and SG BusLeh (Apple, Android) are some choices.
#6: Have a dedicated space for your keys and EZ-Link card
Photo from The Sorry Girls
You’re right on schedule with your outfit on point, but alas...you can’t find your darn house keys or EZ-Link card. You thrash your room for what seems like ages, only to realise they’re right in the middle of your desk in plain sight. You’ve missed 5 buses in the process, and the next one won’t be here for another 20 minutes.
Avoid landing in such a situation by having a dedicated tray or storage space for your keys and EZ-Link card. Even better if it’s near your doorway so there’s no way you’ll miss them before heading out.
#7: Clear out your clothes, makeup drawer, and jewellery regularly
Photo from @mdesign via Instagram
Ever stared at your overflowing closet and lamented, “I have nothing to wear”? Then it’s time for a clean up. Clear out all your old outfits, makeup, and jewellery that you haven’t touched in ages so that you’re only left with items you really want and need.
Once that big spring clean is done, maintain the neatness and have everything organised according to type or colour. Picking out items will be much easier when you don’t have to rummage endlessly.
To go a step further, consider having a clutter-free capsule wardrobe with only the essentials. Find out how to create your very own capsule wardrobe in our article here.
#8: Set your clock or watch 10 minutes faster
Photo from 3 Little Picks
If you know you’re prone to being 10 to 15 minutes late no matter your scheduled arrival time, set all your clocks and watches 10 minutes faster. This way, you’ll give yourself a sense of urgency and automatically create a buffer time in case of any delays.
#9: Return items to their rightful places immediately after coming home
Photo from @simplyspaced via Instagram
First you leave your earrings on your table. Then you drape some jackets over a chair. Before you know it, the mess accumulates and you’re drowning in your own belongings, while unable to properly locate the stuff you’re looking for.
It only takes a bit of extra effort to put your items back in their rightful places immediately after you return home each day. These few seconds spent will save you longer minutes and hours on big clean-ups in the future, and will allow you to know where exactly everything is kept.
- Getting ready on the day itself -
#10: Have a go-to “backup outfit”, preferably a one-piece
Photo from Love, Bonito
No matter how well-prepared we are, things can still go wrong - it’s Murphy’s Law at work. When your pre-planned outfit just doesn’t quite cut it the next morning, fall back on a foolproof “backup outfit” that’s always on standby.
One-piece outfits like matching sets, rompers, and dresses are a good idea as you won’t have to worry about coordinating multiple articles of clothing.
#11: Use cleansing wipes or micellar water if there’s no time to wash your face
Photo from GirlStyle Singapore
There’s nothing to wake you up like a good splash of water on your face, but if time doesn’t permit, get the job done in mere seconds using cleansing wipes or micellar water and a cotton pad.
Read our article on the best facial cleansing wipes in Singapore that also remove makeup, and check out our recommended micellar water brand.
#12: Don’t paint your nails on the day itself, use nail wraps or press-ons if you must
Photo from @nodspark via Instagram
It’s never a good idea to do DIY manicures right before you go out. Though the top layer might seem dry to the touch, the inner layers will take a while to dry. After fiddling with your keys and such, you’ll probably find your freshly painted nails chipped and smudged, so get it done at least a day before.
Photo from @glowgirlnails via Instagram
If you really must dress up your digits at the last minute, use nail wraps or press-ons that don’t require drying time. Read our articles on press-on nails and nail wraps to find out where to get them in Singapore at affordable prices.
#13: Go for multifunctioning beauty products and makeup
Photo from @benefitcosmetics via Instagram
Get primped up effortlessly by using multifunctioning beauty products such as tinted moisturiser that can serve as foundation, moisturiser with UV protection, and lip colours that double up as cheek tints. This allows you to cut down the steps in your makeup and skincare routine.
#14: Try magnetic lashes instead of grappling with lash glue
Photo from Plastic Cosmetics
Say goodbye to messy eyelash glue, and get your falsies settled instantaneously with magnetic lashes. They simply stick on your eyelids with the help of magnetic eyeliner, and are a godsend for those who always encounter mishaps during this final stage of makeup.
Find out where to get these in our article on magnetic lashes in Singapore from just $7, including Xiaxue’s brand Plastic Cosmetics.
#15: Avoid dilly dallying on your phone at all costs
Photo from sweetlouise via Pixabay
We all know what a time sucker social media is. Resist the temptation to scroll through your phone apps, and only use your device to communicate with whoever you’re meeting up with. You can save all the Instagramming and Facebooking for the commute itself.
#16: Set an alarm for 10 minutes before you’re supposed to leave
Photo from IKEA
Sometimes we get carried away with piling on the highlight or taking mirror selfies of a fire outfit. Set an alarm 10 minutes before you’re supposed to leave the house so you can pace yourself properly and know if you need to hurry up.
#17: Do the last finishing touches like lipstick and mascara on the go
Photo from Shutterstock via The Business of Fashion
While it’s tricky trying to wing your eyeliner properly in the MRT, a quick smudge of lipstick or coat of mascara isn’t such a tall order. If you’re really running short of time, do these simple finishing touches while you’re on the go, during the waiting time in between your commute or on the trip itself.
#18: Multitask, multitask, multitask
Photo from @t2tea_sg via Instagram
You’d be surprised by the amount of downtime that exists in between steps of your morning routine - utilise those pockets of time smartly and multitask! For example, brush your teeth while the kettle is boiling, and wash your face as your tea brews. While you’re waiting for your skincare to set in, make your breakfast or grab any last-minute items to chuck into your bag.
Read our other articles with helpful lifestyle and wellness tips:
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Text by: GirlStyle SG