New Fujifilm Instax Wide 300 Camera In Gorgeous White & Milk Tea Colour Perfect For Polaroid Lovers
Polaroid cameras have been the in thing for years and it's no surprise because of how it reminds people of film cameras without having to actually wait to see the photos.
If you are a polaroid lover, you will love this new Instax camera in a white and milk tea colour.
Check it out below!
Photo from Pinterest
The Fujifilm Instax Wide 300 Toffee instant photo camera is sleek with its minimalist white surface and milk tea brown details that add a pop of colour to it.
Photo from Instax
The film for this camera is twice as wide compared to the Instax Mini, making it great for those who love capturing memories with their friends and family as everyone won't have to squeeze together anymore just to fit into the photo! It even has a tripod socket that is useful for group photos.
Photo from Pinterest
The camera has many easy-to-use functions as well - automatic flash for low-light shooting, backlighting to enhance photos and exposure compensation to get the right mood.
See more photos of this camera:
Photo from Courts
Photo from Courts
Photo from Courts
Photo from Courts
The best thing about this camera is perhaps the fact that its colour will complement any kind of outfit so all you have to do is attach a strap to carry it out with you on your adventures.
Get your hands on it at $219 on Courts.
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Text by: GirlStyle SG