30-Day Challenge Ideas That Will Improve Your Life!
Is there something you would like to change or try? Starting a new habit is hard. Breaking a bad one is even harder. But if we don't push ourselves and keep procrastinating, we will never know how the results will be like and might regret not trying in the future.
It’s said that 30 days is enough time to solidify a new habit that you want to incorporate into your daily routine, or even to subtract a habit that hasn’t been good for your health or well-being. We all have room for growth, so why not start today.
Here are some of the 30-day challenges we have complied. From fitness challenges, self-care and money challenge to improve your finances!
Keeping scrolling to read more!
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Matt Cutts did a Ted Talk about 'Try Something New For 30 Days.' This short, lighthearted talk offers a neat way to think about setting and achieving goals. Play the video and gain some inspiration!
We hope this 30-day challenges list gave you some inspiration for ways to improve your life this year. Remember to be realistic and choose manageable goals, to focus on one challenge at a time, and to find a way to replace bad habits with healthier alternatives. Here’s to a happy, healthy, and productive year ahead!
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Text by: GirlStyle SG