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This Taiwan Cafe Lets You Look Like You're Drinking Bubble Tea Out Of A Perfume Bottle & Test Tube

This Taiwan Cafe Lets You Look Like You're Drinking Bubble Tea Out Of A Perfume Bottle & Test Tube

Food Travel
By Amelia on 28 May 2020
Creative Editor
If she's not eating Indomee & hotdog, you can see her working out in her Muay Thai gym.

We all get a little crazy when it comes to bubble tea. During the extended circuit breaker, many of us rushed to get bubble tea before the cut-off time, and we even try to make our own bubble tea in the comfort of our own home. Seems like we have an everlasting love for bubble tea.

When we think of Taiwan, all we think about is the bubble tea that's waiting to be devoured. KIV this for your future travel trips—Candit 康荻新食 cafe serves kawaii bubble tea in pretty packaging!

Read on to find out more!

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#高雄咖啡廳 #candid - ⭐️#薰衣草奶茶 #泰式奶茶 加油站 NT.140 ⭐️#法式香草烤嫩雞 套餐 NT.230 ⭐️#紅醬雞肉義大利麵 NT.140 ⭐️#試管珍奶 烏龍奶 NT.30 ⭐️#試管珍奶 抹茶奶 NT.30 ⭐️#試管珍奶 黑糖奶 NT.30 ⭐️#試管珍奶 泰奶 NT.30 . 超久沒分享美食! 這次又是去高雄見久違的朋友? 這家大推的竟然是義大利麵~超級高的CP值,排餐的肉也是很好吃~ . 不知道為什麼試管都很甜!可能是因為都加珍珠喔~~~ ☕️ . ? 高雄市二聖二路231-1號 ? 0955321259 ?11:00-22:00(週二公休) ?低消100 . 版權所有©#anytravel #icetravelkaohsiung 歡迎轉貼標註連結,圖文未經授權嚴禁下載使用

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Fancy drinking your bubble tea from a test tube instead? This quaint cafe in Kaohsiung serves its very own bubble tea in a quirky packaging like a test tube (NT $20).  You can even drink your bubble tea from a perfume-shaped / wine bottle (NT $80).

The price is way more worth it than the usual bubble tea that we get in Singapore. I mean you are paying for the quirky packaging too!

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|全台送達 - 噴珍奶消毒一下? | - 勤洗手・戴口罩??‍♂️ 恭喜今日又零確診了? 偷偷問一下大家 連假是宅在家還是出外透透氣?? - 康荻的朋友都太有創意了? Wine BT使用完當酒精噴霧使用 整個質感加分???? - 歡迎訂餐・訂位? ☎️ 0955-321-259 . ☎️ 07-536-2825 - 有任何想詢問的 都很歡迎訊息給康荻喔? 網路客服夥伴們會火速回覆的? - ⚠️高雄地區快閃配送 ??5品項任選送達你/妳家?❤️ (餐點也可以選擇喔?) ??不限定任何品項($50以上商品)☺️ ??由Candit公司自行配送 ??快閃配送地點時段任選 - ??Candit Zone . ?11:00 - 22:00 ?高雄市前鎮區二聖二路231-1號 (近三多商圈捷運站4號出口). (二聖路復興路交接路口近愛群國小) ?每週二公休日 - instagram首頁藍色連結 訂單系統直接點入就可以囉☺️ - | 工 商 時 間 | . ❤️全台低溫冷藏宅配服務 ✨全台冷藏配送服務✨ ✨當天下單隔天收到✨ ??全台灣每個地方都可送達? ??滿12品項任選免運費用 ??統一黑貓宅急便配送

A post shared by Candit | 康荻新食 (@_candit_) on

They served up to 8 flavours of milk tea — Earl Grey Tea, Brown Sugar, Cocoa Au Lait, Matcha Milk, Lavender Blue, Lychee, Thai, and Morandi Puer milk tea. What an assortment of different flavours!

KIV this cafe for your future trips!

?No. 231-1號, Ersheng 2nd Road, Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 806
⏰ Mon to Sun: 11am - 11pm (Closed on Tuesday)
? +886 955 321 259
Facebook | Instagram

While you're here, KIV these places for your next trip!

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Text by: GirlStyle SG

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