New Korean Zombie Movie "#ALIVE" Reveals Thrilling Posters And First Trailer
While waiting for the highly-anticipated release of Peninsula, the sequel to hit 2016 Korean zombie blockbuster Train to Busan, here's another upcoming zombie thriller to make the wait less painful.
Read on to find out more!
Photo from Naver
#ALIVE starring Yoo Ah In and Park Shin Hye is set to hit theatres in Korea in June 2020 and we honestly can't wait!
The zombie survival thriller is about a mysterious outbreak that spreads throughout Seoul and grows out of control. This traps survivors alone inside their apartments without access to data, wifi, texting and phone calls. Sounds just like the premise of any other zombie movie, except that this one seems to focus a bit more on the fact that survivors will not get to use their electronic devices.
The first poster has an ominous vibe, showing both Yoo Ah In and Park Shin Hye on the higher level of a building while zombies on lower levels try to reach them.
Photo from Naver
The second poster shows Yoo Ah In balancing precariously off a railing with a selfie stick in hand, searching for any cellphone signal while a group of zombies on a lower level try to reach out for him.
The first trailer for #ALIVE has also just been released and stands out with its unique set up as a phone screen which is in line with the movie's synopsis.
Check out the thrilling trailer below:
While you are here, we have other zombie movies and shows recommendations to keep yourself busy during the remaining circuit breaker.
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Text by: GirlStyle SG