Find Out If Your Body Age Matches Your Real Age With These Fun Tests
Depending on your health and lifestyle, your body age may be younger or older than your real age!
On episode 114 of Korean variety show Master in the House on SBS, the cast were subjected to a hilarious body age test and you can follow along at home if you're curious to find out if your body age matches your real age.
Keep reading to check it out!
For the first test, they had to press their forearms together and hold them up above their head as high as possible without letting their arms separate. The higher your arm goes, the younger your body age is.
Photo from SBS
If you can hold them past your eyes, your physical age is under 29-years-old. This worked for Lee Jin Hyuk, who was in his twenties, as he managed to hold his arms way over his eyes.
If you can hold them up to your nose, that means you have a body age of 30+ years. Lee Seung Gi's body age matched his real age of 33 years with this test!
Photo from SBS
Photo from SBS
Raising up to the mouth indicates a body age 40+ years while raising up to the chin indicates a body age of 50+ years.
The next test involves holding your hands and stepping over your arms, bringing your arms up past the waist without letting go of your hands.
Photo from SBS
If you manage to accomplish this, your body age is in its 20's. If you can't bring your arms up past your waist, you body age is in its 30's. For those who only can get one leg through, your body age is 40+ and those who can't get either leg through have a body age of 50+.
Lee Seung Gi, Yang Se Hyung and Kim Dong Hyun all had their hands stuck below their butts after putting their legs through their arms and they resorted to hilarious ways to complete the test!
Watch the clip here:
Have you tried these tests and do they match your real age? ?
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Text by: GirlStyle SG