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She Did Her Makeup Underwater! No wayyyyy~

She Did Her Makeup Underwater! No wayyyyy~

Beauty Hot Topics Cosmetics
By christinelai on 04 Jul 2018

Youtuber CloeCouture is the millennial that will drive you nuts. She breaks conventional norms and in one video, she even moved her sister's bed to the swimming pool for prank's sake! In this video, she did her full makeup underwater.

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From the start, she used cream foundation to build a layer of flawless skin. But did it work?

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Bear in mind, she doesn't have a mirror. She doesn't know how she looks like at each step. With every squeeze of the beauty blender, it releases small bubbles and that was cute! Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at 2.42.09 PMThe contouring stick is too dark for her. Her solution? Tap it out with your hands. It turns out fine after all  but we advise you, don't be too greedy in choosing your shade of contour, don't go for the darkest just because you can.
Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at 2.43.01 PMNext up, eye makeup! She used a pencil liner to draw on her eyeliner. Imagine pulling your mascara bottle underwater. According to her, it went really bad, the substance was stinging her eyes. To make it worse, she accidentally poked herself...

Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at 2.43.54 PMOf course, a bright red lipstick to end it off. And the end results? It worked out alright for underwater makeup expectations.

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Did you notice she used mostly sticks and cream makeup underwater? It's smart and it works, we can also see some dark smudges under her eyes but overall, pretty good we say!

Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at 1.15.41 PMThis is how spray bottle works underwater.
The Full Video:

We strongly advise you NOT TO TRY this at home!
Photo Source: Youtube// Cloecouture

Text By: Girlsdaily SG

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