You Can Now Make Authentic Swedish Meatballs & Cream Sauce At Home Using IKEA's Recipe!
IKEA Singapore's stores and restaurants have been closed since 7 April to prevent the spread of COVID-19 but for those who are suffering from withdrawal symptoms of not being able to get their famous Swedish meatballs, we've got good news.
Photo from Metro
IKEA recently revealed the recipe for its meatballs and cream sauce and it's honestly easier than it looks to make! We are super excited to try this out ourselves so if you are also craving for some of that juicy and flavourful meatballs, it's time to get cookin'.
Read on to find out more!
Note: this recipe is the non-halal version.
Photo from IKEA
What you need for the meatballs:
- 500g of minced beef
- 250g of minced pork
- 1 onion finely chopped
- 1 clove of garlic minced
- 100g of breadcrumbs
- 1 egg
- 5 tablespoons of whole milk
- Generous amount of salt and pepper
How to make and cook the meatballs:
Photo from IKEA
Photo from IKEA
Photo from IKEA
Photo from IKEA
What you need for the cream sauce:
- A dash of oil
- 40g of butter
- 40g of plain flour
- 150ml of vegetable stock
- 150ml of beef stock
- 150ml of thick double cream
- 2 teaspoons of soy sauce
- 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard
How to make the cream sauce:
Photo from IKEA
You could also make mashed potatoes and add a spoonful of jam to serve with the meatballs.
Photo from IKEA
Try this recipe ASAP and get your IKEA Swedish meatballs craving satisfied! ?
While you are here, see how to make a quick and easy Japanese beef bowl and Disneyland's famous churros.
Share this post with a friend who loves IKEA's meatballs!
Text by: GirlStyle SG