Your Favourite Childhood Game "UNO" Gets A Minimalist & Sleek Makeover
Remember those days where you quarrelled or fought with your siblings and friends when playing UNO, a seemingly harmless but really intense card game?
Those are definitely fond memories of our childhood and the iconic colours of the UNO cards - red, blue, yellow and green have stuck with us ever since.
We may not have the luxury of time to spend hours playing UNO now but if you still love this game as much as when you were a child, the newest UNO deck launching soon will make you want to plan an UNO game night ASAP with your friends.
Read on to find out more!
Photo from @warlesonolivera via Instagram
The new UNO Minimalista deck is designed by Brazilian graphic designer Warleson Oliveira and its all black, minimalist and sleek makeover is making us want to host an UNO game night right now.
The usual UNO deck we are accustomed to is one with bright red, yellow, green and blue printed on them but this new iteration with a black background and geometric logos in the game's signature primary colours looks way more stylish.
Photo from Mattel
If lady luck isn't usually on your side when playing UNO and you are always on the receiving end of the most hated +4 card, this new deck will probably make you rage less because of how good it looks. ?
According to UNO's official Instagram page, fans can expect to get their hands on the UNO Minimalista deck later this year and it's priced at 10 USD (~SGD 14).
Are you excited for this? If you are looking for more new iterations of your favourite childhood games, Cooking Mama: Cookstar is now available on Nintendo Switch, click here to read more.
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Text by: GirlStyle SG