How To Make Your Lipstick Look Perfect & Last All Day
Lipsticks are all fun and games until it becomes a chore when we have to keep reapplying every few hours and after every meal.
Despite the fact that it can get frustrating when our lipsticks don't last, we still prefer applying them as they brighten our complexion and complete our entire look.
So, here are some ways you can make your lipstick look perfect and last as long as possible throughout your day.
Read on to find out more!
#1 Exfoliate your lips
Photo from Pinterest
To prep your lips for lipstick application, use a lip exfoliator! It removes dead skin and smoothens out any rough spots so that the lipstick can glide easily and beautifully on your lips.
#2 Use a lip balm
Photo from Pinterest
If you suffer from very dry lips, apply a thick layer of lip balm at the start of your makeup routine. When you get to applying your lipstick at the end of your routine, the lip balm would have softened and hydrated your lips by then.
Remember to wipe off the excess lip balm so that your lipstick sticks to your lips and will not smudge.
#3 Line your lips
Photo from Pinterest
Lining your lips is a great way to prevent your lipstick from fading or bleeding outside of your lips.
Choose a lip liner that closely resembles your lipstick colour for a natural look.
#4 Apply and blot
Photo from Pinterest
To make your lipstick last all day long, blot your lips on a tissue paper after applying one layer and reapply again.
Take note not to do this too many times if you have very dry lips as it can dry out your lips even more.
#5 Set with powder
Photo from Pinterest
Just like how you would set your face with powder after applying foundation, a little powder on your lips will help too.
Place a piece of tissue on your lips after applying lipstick, then use a brush to dab some powder onto the tissue (where your lips are).
These tips will help to make your lipstick kiss-proof and smudge-proof too aside from being long-lasting so make sure to keep them in mind, just in time for Valentine's Day! ?
Photo from @Pony__朴惠敏 via Weibo
While you are here, check out our other article on how to achieve pouty, plump and kissable M-shaped lips using just makeup.
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Text by: GirlStyle SG