Cheat Sheet for CNY Goodies Calories
Chinese New Year is just a couple of days away and with it comes all the temptations of those delicious, CNY goodies. Unfortunately, the little shrimp rolls, pineapple tarts and bak kwa can easily add up to over a thousand calories. And wait! You have yet to multiply with the number of homes you need to visit and beverages! That's a lot and the list of goodies is never-ending.
Before you reach for your next piece of bak kwa, you might want to consider how many calories it contains. Scroll down and manage your CNY goodies calories with our handy cheat sheet!
#1 Pineapple Tart – Average: 93 calories per piece
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Brace yourself! Each bite-size pastries filled or topped with pineapple jam tart contains 93 calories. Pop two tarts into your mouth and you will need to do 30 minutes of running on a treadmill to burn it off. Instead, try to opt for eggless or low-sugar pineapple tarts to control the calories intake.
#2 Bak Kwa – Average: 370 calories per slice
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A traditional and must-have snack for CNY! This barbecued meat jerky is so yummy – but so sinfully, too. To burn off a single slice of bak kwa, put on your walking shoes as it will take 100 minutes of brisk walking.
#3 Nian Gao – Average: 46 calories per slice
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Nian Gao doesn't have a lot of calories by steaming it, each slice is about 46 calories. But the calories will go up to 220 calories per slice of fried nian gao fritter. Try to limit yourself to just one tiny slice.
#4 Love Letters – Average: 56 calories per piece
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It is so easy to eat three to five pieces as it is a light and airy snack. But just one piece has 56 calories, so it’s a good idea to go easy with them. Walk 1,250 steps to burn off those calories.
#5 Peanut Cookie – Average: 62 calories per piece
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Delicious peanut cookies that will instantly melt in your mouth. But don’t be fooled into thinking that it’s healthy just because it’s made with nuts – each piece still packs high amounts of fat and cholesterol.
#6 Kueh Bangkit – Average: 23 calories per piece
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Compared to other CNY goodies, these cookies are a smart choice. They’re only 23 calories each and you can easily get rid of the calories by walking 500 steps.
#6 Kueh Lapis – Average: 275 calories per piece
Photo from Pinterest
This tasty layered cake is another calorie bomb. One slice has 275 calories – which takes about 35 minutes of vigorous exercise or 90 minutes of heavy household chores to burn. Share a slice with a friend if you really can’t resist.
#7 Mini dried shrimp roll – Average: 23 calories per piece
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A piece of shrimp roll will set you back by 23 calories. These are tiny and easy to forget how many you have already had. Do count and try to have one or two, since it’s deep-fried in palm oil it’s loaded with saturated fat.
#8 Yu Sheng – Average: 561 calories per serving
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Fresh salmon sashimi,vegetables, crackers and condiments... Healthy as it looks, a 387g serving of yusheng has more than 500 calories!
Happy Lunar Chinese New Year and do share this handy cheat sheet with your girlfriends! ??
Text By: GirlStyle SG