Take Aesthetically Pleasing Photos Of Your Newest Manicure With These Tips
With Chinese New Year just around the corner, many ladies will be pampering themselves by getting their nails done.
Since you will be spending money and time to have the prettiest designs on your nails, it's only given that you will want to take photos of your manicure to share with friends or on social media.
Well, here are some tips to follow should you wish to take aesthetically pleasing photos of your newest manicure.
Read on to find out more!
#1 Hold a wallet or card holder
Photo from @Chriiu via 小红书
A good way to show off your beautiful manicure without making it too obvious is by holding a wallet or card holder in your hand.
#2 Hold a perfume bottle
Photo from @Ashley_艾欣 via 小红书
Photo from @小之元 via 小红书
One of the most common ways to take photos of your manicure is to hold a perfume bottle in your hand. It's no surprise though, because it looks absolutely good to have your pretty nails and a gorgeous perfume bottle together in the photo.
#3 Under a running tap
Photo from @小红薯5DFA9EA6 via 小红书
This is a very artistic and unique way to take photos of your manicure. Turn on the tap and position your hand half submerged under the running water.
The water creates bubbles and a dreamy effect for your photos!
#4 Hold a patterned mesh fabric
Photo from @小酒窝 via 小红书
A mesh fabric adds an ethereal feel to your photos and if it matches your nail designs, even better!
#5 Hold an object in the same colour as your nails
Photo from @Whisky-Mr via 小红书
Look for an object in the same colour as your nails and hold it while taking a photo of your manicure. The colour consistency makes the photo look pleasing to the eyes.
If you want to go all out, follow tip #3 and submerge your hands in water too.
#6 Take a mirror selfie
Photo from @Chriiu via 小红书
Taking a mirror selfie is also another way to show off your manicure without being too obvious.
Other than these tips on how to take aesthetically pleasing photos of your manicure, read our tips on how to take insta-worthy shoe snaps too.
Share this post with a girlfriend who will need these tips or a girlfriend who will be getting her nails done soon!
Text by: GirlStyle SG