7 Types Of Shoes Every Girl Must Own For Different Occasions & Outfits
Good shoes will take you to good places so isn't it only right that we buy a new pair of shoes every now and then?
Regardless of whether you simply need new shoes or want to treat yourself, read on to find out the seven types of shoes every girl must own to go with different occasions and outfits!
#1 Sneakers
We know this sounds like a no-brainer but there are many different types of sneakers to choose from. You need to wear the right kind of sneakers to complement your look and to go with different occasions.
Photo from Pinterest
Dad sneakers have a chunky sole that has a slimming effect on your legs and calves due to its bulky size. These are fashionable statement pieces that will give you a hypebae look too! Pair with jeans for a sporty look or dresses for a girly yet casual look.
Photo from @originals_kr via Instagram
White sneakers are a staple for every girl so if you currently don't own any white sneakers, you should get one ASAP! It goes well with almost every outfit you own and are suitable for casual settings.
#2 Heels
Once again, there are countless types of heels to choose from.
Photo from Pinterest
Chunky heels are coming back in trend and are great for ladies who need that extra height at formal settings without wanting to compromise comfort. Chunky heels are way easier to walk in and will provide more support for your feet.
Photo from Pinterest
We know that stilettos are probably one of the most uncomfortable shoes to walk in ever but they just look so good, right? Even if you cannot stand the fact that your feet will ache and feel sore after walking around in stilettos, it still won't hurt to own a pair for formal settings and on days you want to look sexier!
#3 Loafers
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from Pinterest
Loafers are perfect for everyday wear, especially if you are a working lady. Choose from heeled to flat loafers and we suggest going for darker colours such as maroon and black. These colours look more chic and will be easier to pair with different outfits. Loafers will look especially great with pants too!
#4 Mules
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from Pinterest
Mules are versatile and come in different cuttings and styles. Go for open toe heeled mules when out on a date or covered heeled mules for work settings. Flat mules are also good for work and formal occasions. Mules are very comfortable so you won't have to worry about aching legs after a long day.
#5 Boots
Photo from Ezbuy
Photo from Ezbuy
It might sound crazy to wear boots in sunny Singapore but when we get those occasional sweater weather days, boots will come in handy. Plus, they look absolutely fashionable and will give you an added height too. Own one or two pairs so you can wear them when you travel to a cold country.
#6 Slippers
Wearing slippers out does not sound like a good idea as it is always associated with laziness and can make one look unkempt. However, the trick is to choose slippers that do not look like slippers!
Photo from Havaianas
These do not look like the conventional slippers out in the market so it will look good when paired with sundresses for the beach.
#7 Flats
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from Pinterest
The good ol' flats come in many different styles and designs so you will surely find a few that you like. Wear them with pants, jeans, dresses, skirts, shorts and virtually anything because they are that versatile! If you don't own any flats already, do yourself a favour and get a pair!
How many of these shoes do you own? Share this post with a girlfriend!
Text by: GirlStyle SG