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Cute Christmas Party Hairstyles For the Perfect Holiday Look

Cute Christmas Party Hairstyles For the Perfect Holiday Look

By Viroon on 18 Nov 2019
Senior Creative Editor
Passionate about fashion, beauty and lifestyle. Junk Food Junkie | When she’s not writing, you can find her at the pantry munching on snacks.

Holiday parties are probably the best part to end the year. But trying to figure out what to do with your hair is always the trickiest thing. Fret not! Here are some hairstyles that are certainly not overly complex and are something you could replicate in the comfort of your own home. Scroll down and get inspired to braid and bedazzle to your heart's content. Then get off and enjoy the mistletoe and the candy cane! After all, Christmas only comes once a year.

Twisted Low Bun

Twisted Low BunPhoto from Pinterest

Low bunPhoto from Pinterest

An effortless-looking low bun is a fast route to easy elegance. Add statement earrings for extra interest.

Messy Space Bun

Messy Space BunPhoto from Pinterest

Space Bun HairstylePhoto from Pinterest

Space bun HairstylePhoto from Pinterest

A simple look to create a statement at any festive party! You can either choose to bun all your hair up or just half to create a different look.

Hair Accessory

Hair AccessoryPhoto from Pinterest

hair accessoriesPhoto from Pinterest

Hair AccessoryPhoto from Pinterest

An embellished hair accessory adds a festive touch to any style.

Twisted Tie-Back

Twisted Tie-Back hairstylePhoto from Pinterest


Twisted Tie-BackPhoto from Pinterest

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Simply twist your hair from the front of the head and fix at the back to copy this pretty half-up, half-down look. This simple yet pretty and chic hairstyle works for both long and short hair. 

Decorative plait

Decorative plaitPhoto from Pinterest

HairstylePhoto from Pinterest

Decorative plaitPhoto from Pinterest

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A plait worn at the base of the neck and tied with a ribbon or hair accessory is simple but stylish. For short hair, you can do a half plait add a ribbon in the middle. 

Which of these hairstyles is your favourite? Share this post with your girlfriends who need some hair ideas for their upcoming parties! 

Text By: Girlstyle SG

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