How To Know If Bangs Will Look Good On You And Suit Your Lifestyle
Only 90's kids will know and have experienced bangs going in and out of style. At one point, nearly every girl in Singapore had ultra-straight rebonded hair with bangs, a look popularised by Taiwanese celebrities.
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That gradually made way into today's trend of the fringe-less look.
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If you're thinking of going against the current trends and bring back the bangs (but with a more modern touch, of course), it may be a good idea!
Having bangs like the Korean see-through fringe can make your face look smaller, slimmer and it gives you an extremely cute and feminine look.
Read on to find out how to tell if bangs will suit you!
#1 Face Shape
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If your face shape is round or square, a straight cut fringe may not suit you as the bluntness will accentuate the roundness or angular features of your face. If you want to have a fringe, try a longer side swept one instead!
If you have a high forehead, a fringe will probably look great on you as it creates proportion by visually shortening your face.
#2 Hair type
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If your hair is very fine or thin, a fringe may not work as there isn’t enough volume for your hair to fall on your forehead in a flattering way. Also, when you start sweating in the humid weather, your fringe may tend to clump together - yikes!
If you have wavy or curly hair, having a fringe can be a bit of a styling challenge. But when done right, a well-styled wavy fringe looks très chic!
#3 Try on a fake fringe
Photo from shopee.sg
If you'd like to have a clearer idea if bangs will suit your face shape, fake one using a bangs wig and see if it looks good! You can also purchase a clip-on fringe wig online like this Bangs Hair Extensions ($2.26) from Shopee.
Alternatively, you use your own hair to fake the look of bangs. Section the top part of your hair around your temples. Start tying your hair into a ponytail and at the last loop, pull it through halfway while the hair is falling on your forehead and adjust it to the length of the fringe you want.
#4 Skin type
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If your skin is sensitive and prone to getting breakouts, having a fringe may not be a good idea as the oils from your hair may irritate and worsen your skin condition. But if your acne is a result of other issues like diet and stress, a fringe could help cover your pimples!
#5 Consider your personality & lifestyle
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The gorgeous bangs you see on celebrities are blow-dried and styled by professionals to look effortlessly perfect. If your grooming routine is more on the low maintenance side, you may not fancy adding this to your daily routine!
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Text by: GirlStyle SG