Girls! Add Some Life To Your Hair With These Glitter!
Everyone loves glitter but who knew we could one day have it in our hair and be glit af?
One of the cutest hair trends we've seen on our feed is none other than these glitter extensions by Singapore's very own Glit AF!
Think it's ridiculous and doesn't look natural? Wait till you see this.
Just look at how well the glitter strands go with l Rachel Wong's platinum blonde hair. What a babe! *heart eyes*
What's "Glit AF"?
We think the name itself is pretty self-explanatory.. It's basically glitter that can help you shine and sparkle like never before. But this time, on your hair.
As shared on their website, Glit AF uses a thin and lightweight sparkle and weave it onto a single strand of healthy hair to create the most natural look.
If you're wondering, the material is heat-resistant; this means that you can go about your daily routine with a hair dryer, straightener, curler and more. It's also said to be chemical free so... yay!
How Long Can It Last?
These glitter strands are projected to last 2-4 weeks. However, it may vary on a case-by-case basis depending on the strength (and condition) of your scalp and hair.
These glitter goes well with EVERY HAIR COLOUR AND HAIRSTYLE! Don't believe? Check these out!
1. Wanna wear glitter on your dark locks? Check!
2. How about some on your unicorn hair?
3. Ash blonde?!
Too glit to give a sh*t! ? @caxs #glitaf
A post shared by GLIT AF (@glitaf) on
4. Something good for an everyday look? So chioooo!
5. Verified by the lady boss from our favourite Dr.Lash!
6. Curls run the world?! With glitter!
I Want Glitter On My Hair Too! But.... Where Do I Go?!
Glit AF currently appointment-based and they are operating in both Singapore and UK. However, they do have an awesome Glitist (who happens to be a chiobu too) who is known to travel around (regionally, we assume).
So if you're reading this from outside of Singapore, don't be discouraged. Reach out to them your glitter dreams might gliterally (learned from GlitAF) fly to you!
Book your appointment here:
Singapore, SG
Call: +65 6634 0318
WhatsApp: +65 9663 5940
Website: https://www.glitaf.com/
Text by: Girlsdaily SG