Girls, Here Are 5 Levels To Get You Started If You Struggle With Saving Money
It takes willpower to commit to saving money over a long-term period. For some people, it's innately in them to love savings and prepare for rainy days. But for some fun-loving YOLO folks, savings mean an opportunity to travel when you hit a certain amount, *splurge it*.
Here are 5 levels to get you started and anyone can try this.
Start by having a separate wallet for savings and don't ever forget where you put it.
Level 1 -Start Small
Print a chart like this and commit yourself to this for a year. This is how you can save $1000 effortlessly in a year. To make it faster, Cross off 2 per week and save $1000 every six months!
Level 2 - Have A Conviction
When you see a need to start saving up, that's when actual savings happen. There are some bad-spending habits you have to throw away, and some good-savings habits you need to develop.
Based on your lifestyle, develop convictions that are lifestyle-related to be a guide for you when you made decisions to spend. This way, you're on your journey to be money smart.
Level 3 - Deny Yourself
Yes, you need to deny yourself to see things happen. What are some expensive hobby or habits you should think twice? Instead of cutting it out completely, think of alternatives and solutions.
Get a journal and make it more fun! Have an accountability buddy to walk you through tough moments. Savings ain't fun but we promise you, it will be rewarding.
Level 3 - Increase Your Savings
Stick to a plan, increase the amount and monitor the numbers. When you see your money growing, you will be motivated to save more.
Level 3 - Work Towards A Goal
Do you want to pay off your university debt in XX years?
Or save up for a house?
Then, you may want to have a separate saving plan for such purpose to see it actualising.
As the wise saying goes, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."
Be on your way to savings today. Start small, find a buddy and watch your bank grow!
Photo Source: Pinterest
Text By: GirlStyle SG