Burn All The Pineapple Tarts With This Highly-Acclaimed Fat-Burning Recipe
If you don't like to exercise, you possibly found the quickest formula to lose all the post-CNY weight gain. Try this simple morning elixir. Follow this recipe and drink it every morning; it helps to accelerate your metabolism and keep you trim.
You only need these 4 ingredients:
- 1 Or 2 Lemons
- A Tablespoon Of Chia Seeds (About 12 grams)
- Honey
- 1.5 Glasses Of Water (360ml)
Step 1: Soak the chia seeds in water for about an hour.
The chia seeds will look like gel pellets after soaking in the water.
Step 2: Strain the chia seeds.
Step 3: Mix chia seeds with 360ml of water and juice from the lemon(s).
Step 4: Add the mixture into a blender, add a tablespoon of honey and blend it until you get a homogenous mixture.
The drink is done!
A note of warning, some say chia seeds will cause farting all weekend, and some prefer to drink it without the blending.
One netizen commented,
"Chia is a very good source of fibres. No need to blend it. I just put directly in my water with lemon, ginger, mint leaves, and cucumber. It's so refreshing, and u get the fibre u need to clean your stomach."
This famous recipe can be found below in this video tutorial!
As the video recommends, drink it on an empty stomach for 15 days in a row for optimal results. If you need it to taste better, add more honey.
You can't shun away from exercising if you want to be fit though. Huat your way into a healthy 2019!
Text By: Girlstyle SG