We Bare Bears Just Made Its Way Into Our Hearts Again With This Korean Fast Fashion Store!
If you can't get enough of the bears, check this out! ♡
SPAO sure knows the way to our heart. After releasing the uber cute Sailor Moon collection, they've done it again. This time, with We Bare Bears.
Though us Singaporean girls are probably more used to sleeping in our FBTs and oversized shirt, it doesn't mean that we'd say no to pretty pyjamas... especially when our favourite bears are printed on them. Right?
Let's check them out ♡♡♡
Besides pyjamas for both the ladies and gentlemen, this collection also features very cute eye masks, pullovers, cotton tees and super cute We Bare Bears plushies!
Don't you think it's perfect for a sleepover or a simple 'dress up' night with your boyfriend? *Hint hint* (◕‿◕)
Oh, check out that squishy Ice Bear plushie! ♡
Their We Bare Bears tees come in Sky Blue (Ice Bear), Grey (Pan Pan), White (Grizzly) and Black (Ice Bear, Pan Pan and Grizzly).
In case you didn't know, SPAO sells really good quality hoodies and we expect this We Bare Bears series to be as good.
While this series is currently only available in South Korea, we're sure it won't be long till it reach the rest of the SPAO stores. Meanwhile, you can shop SPAO's products online or during one of your trips to Paradigm Mall @ JB~ :D
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