This Chinese Makeup Artist Transformed Into Mona Lisa Overnight And Here's How She Did It
We all know the power of makeup but who would knew that it could possibly 'revive' the Mona Lisa?
Watch how this phenomenal makeup artist from China did it!
He Yuhong is a Chinese makeup artist from the megacity Chongqing. Early last month, she uploaded a series of videos on Youtube under the pseudonym 'Yuya Mika'.
Photo from He Yuhong/Yuya Mika
In an interview with the South China Morning Post, Yuhong said that even though the video she uploaded only lasted for 15 seconds, the process to 'become Mona Lisa' took up to six hours.
"I wasn't sure how internet users would feel about me trying to copy such a famous and beloved painting onto my face," she said. "I prepared myself for criticism."
But guess what? The epic transformation actually received way more approval from netizens than she ever imagined!
When she checked her Tik Tok the next morning, tens of thousands of people had already gave it a 'like'. Today, the post has received more than 900,000 likes and almost 30,000 comments on the app (only visible to app users) and have been viewed over 400,000 times on YouTube.
Check Out Some Of These Iconic Figures She Transformed Into
Marilyn Monroe
Lady With An Ermine
In this photo, He Yutong transforms into popular Chinese model, actress and singer Angelababy.
Photo from South China Morning Post
Here's one more transformation where she becomes Selena Gomez. Yay or nay?
Photo from South China Morning Post
Despite having yet to make any money from her work, Yuhong said that for the time being she is contented with just compliments and positive feedback from the public.
happy to survive on compliments and positive feedback.
"A lot of traffic but no income so far," she said. "But, I'm content to be the vlogger who shares make-up tips … for now."
Text by: Girlsdaily SG