Felicia Chin Gets A Proposal! Plus, Wedding Bells A-Ringing And Her Eating Disorder.
What we love so much about Felicia Chin is how sweet and normal she is. She could be like anyone of us. She's like our next door neighbour, our down-to-earth classmate, and that girl that we see walking around school campus.
Photo from IMDB
In the world of showbiz where superficiality reigns and it's hard to really know who's real, her genuine quality is something that stands out.
That's the thing that makes her different. And popular. Precisely because she is so relatable to all her fans.
Photo from Her World
We can certainly see why her sweetheart of three years, Jeffrey Xu is so attached to her.
Are wedding bells ringing anytime soon?
Photo from TNP
According to Felicia, the couple has been discussing marriage plans. YAY! The wedding would likely take place next year, after they have settled a house and a wedding venue.
Felicia said he proposed to her once, six month ago! But it was only after a fight.
Did she accept?
Photo from Style Weddings
"I told him better not. I told him that it's not the right circumstance. As long as I know that he is sincere… It's not about needing flowers, it's not that. We’re trying to be responsible for our marriage."
Very sensible girl indeed!
While she does not count it as an official proposal, we still think it means something!
Looks like he's planning to do it right a second time!
" He asked me, Eh, what kind of proposal do you want? If I propose, you'll say yes, right?"
We are certainly looking forward to hearing the good news soon!
Photo from Style Weddings
Apart from her potential upcoming nupitals, Felicia also talks about how she used to suffer from an eating disorder when she first started showbiz.
Photo from Flickr
"I used to be very critical of myself when I was younger. I would think that I'm too chubby, that my arms are very fat. That I needed to lose weight. During that period, I would eat only three apples a day. This was like 10 years ago. It wasn't healthy at all."
Three apples!
"When I first started out, I would even vomit what I ate sometimes. I think you would consider that an eating disorder or at least the start of one. I would guilt eat lot of things."
How could she ever think she was fat!
Thankfully, she managed to get past her eating disorder and starting adopting a healthier diet and body image.
It was only after her show "The Champion" were she started to feel more comfortable in her own skin and got back on track. She felt happier and more confident and no longer felt the need to binge eat or vomit anymore.
Photo from Nuyou
Who knew the that ex VJC prom queen and the most popular star of Caldecott would have to grapple with such issues too? (like us normal human beings)
Glad to know such times are over and we are looking forward to happy news from Felicia soon.~
Photo from TodayOnline
Text By: Girlstyle SG