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There's A New Viral Personality Test That Determines What Type Of Veggie You Are

There's A New Viral Personality Test That Determines What Type Of Veggie You Are

Lifestyle Personality Quizzes & Astrology
By Allison Kong on 15 Aug 2024
Writes about all things beauty, fashion, lifestyle, and entertainment. When she’s not writing, she’s probably lost in a daydream.

After the buzz around the You Simi Flavour personality test for National Day, there's a new personality test that's taking root in Singapore and is now branching out to the rest of the world rapidly.

Sophie Liu, who studied computational biology and machine learning, came up with Veggie ID. In this quiz, you meet a bunch of talking vegetables living in VeggieVille—a fictional town that might make you think twice about your groceries.

Veggie ID Personality TestPhoto from Sophie Liu

The quiz sorts users into unique veggie personalities like Jalapeño and Bok Choy based on choices in an interactive story.

Veggie ID Personality TestPhoto from Sophie Liu

Veggie ID Personality TestPhoto from Sophie Liu

As the day progresses, you and your friends dive into a thrilling adventure.

You’ll discover beaches, climb mountains, relax at your veggie friend's apartment, and explore a human’s pantry, where you’ll have to avoid becoming a low-calorie snack. At some point, you and your veggie pals might even end up trapped in a grocery bag!

Veggie ID Personality TestPhoto from Sophie Liu

Veggie ID Personality TestPhoto from Sophie Liu

Your journey might even take you to outer space in a corn rocket! Throughout the adventure, you’ll face choices that show how you deal with relaxation, teamwork, and tough situations.

Veggie ID Personality TestPhoto from Sophie Liu

By the end of the quiz, you’ll find out which vegetable you are. Each type comes with its own amusing strengths, weaknesses, catchphrases, an alignment chart, and funny reviews from other veggies.

Here's where you can do the Veggie ID personality test for free:

Think you are an onion, a tomato or even a jalapeño? Click here to try!

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