Someone Used Mark Lee's Daughter's Photo To Raise $200,000!
This person probably don't know what karma is.
On Thursday, Aug 30, local comedian and actor Mark Lee and his wife, Catherine Ng, warned that someone has tried to use his youngest daughter Calynn Lee's photo to raise $200,000 for her 'treatment'.
In post, the couple asked Facebook users who have come across the said scam post to send it to them immediately so that they can report it to the police.
Photo from Cheers For Calynn Lee Facebook
It's immoral and crude enough to cheat people. But to do it with a child's photo... That's the worst. Little Calynn's photos are not here for you to misuse!
To everyone who's seen this post, please send it to us and we will make an immediate police report.
We also want to clarify that we have never started any fundraising for our daughter's treatment and we do not have plans on doing it. So everyone, please do not be fooled by these scammers.
Once again, please inform us if you've received any of such scam posts. Thanks everyone... To all our dear friends who have alerted us to this immoral case, thank you so much!
In the post, Mark Lee and Catherine shared screenshots of the conversation between one of the page's followers.
Here we can see the photo which the 'scammer' used to raise the $200K donation for 'Calynn Lee'.
In August, Mark Lee's youngest daughter Calynn Lee was diagnosed with Glomerulonephritis, a rare condition where her autoimmune system would attack healthy cells in her body by mistake, specifically her kidneys; a condition very similar to Lupus.
Mark Lee and his wife Catherine has since set up a Facebook account called 紫菡公主加油 Cheers for Calynn Lee, hoping to gather a community of people who's experienced the rare disease and show support for one another.
Though her condition will not get any better anytime soon, she's showing signs of recovery.
Photo from 紫菡公主加油 Cheers for Calynn Lee
Let's stay alert and be careful of scammers. After all, the internet may not be as safe as what it seems to be. Inform your parents!
Text by: Girlstyle SG