Mediacorp Drama: Veteran Actresses Pan Ling Ling And Hong Hui Fang Are No Longer Friends
It's been awhile since we've experienced some real-life Mediacorp drama. Now, this is exciting.
In case you haven't heard, a disagreement between two veteran Channel 8 actresses Pan Ling Ling and Hong Hui Fang has shook the local entertainment scene and the two have reportedly ended their friendship. Who would have ever expected this?
According to Shin Min Daily News, Hong Huifang recently sent out a lengthy text message (almost a 1000 words, to be exact!) to over 50 friends in the media industry and announced that she is no longer friends with Pan Lingling.
Some of the message recipients include actors Chen Hanwei, Chen Xiuhuan and Vivian Lai.
Let's take a look at some of the messages she sent~
Photo from Shinmin Daily News
Listen up, Pan Ling Ling. I've already made my stand clear so why are you still talking about the two youths?
Photo from Shinmin Daily News
Stop pushing your limits! If you piss me off further, I'll forward this message to more people.
Hong Hui Fang alleged that she have been subjected to more than 10 years of bullying by Pan Ling Ling and her son Calvert Tay also suffered the same fate.
How about a STD jab?
Pan Ling Ling started the saga during a birthday gathering with their circle of friends in late June and she apparently couldn't stop commenting about the personal love life of Calvert Tay who was supposedly dating 26-year-old local actress Julie Tan.
She was said to even have told Calvert Tay to go for a STD jab. Wow, really?
It seems like Hong Hui Fang's daughter Tay Ying can't escape too
As if the flames aren't strong enough, Pan Ling Ling went a step further and said some hurtful and insensitive words about Tay Ying's (Hong Hui Fang's daughter) past relationship; words that Tay Ying still hold to her heart even till today. Ouch.
Is this 'fight' real?
Well, ex-Mediacorp actress Sora Ma, one of the message recipients, wrote about the issue on her Lianhe Wanbao column~ So it's definitely as real as it gets.
In her column, Sora shared that she woke up one morning to a "shocking" message. At first glance, she thought she read wrongly but after reading it thoroughly then did she understand what was going on; two veteran actors have called it quits and ended their friendship.
Hong Hui Fang does not have room for "hypocrites"
Photo from @honghuifang
In this post, Hong Hui Fang shared:
“When dealing with a hypocrite, you do not scold her or expose her. Instead, let her continue to be her hypocritical self while you pretend to know nothing. Others will come to know of her true self in time to come.
If you noticed, a wild Julie Tan appeared in the comments section and said: "Yes! Time will prove everything"
She also went on to post this on her instastory (though it was removed shortly after):
Photo from @julietan_cxq
I used to respect you cause you're a senior but now sorry lost all respect #sorrynotsorry
Following this expose, Julie Tan's mother, Doris Khaw, threatened to take legal action against Pan Ling Ling and demanded a public apology for hurting her daughter with her words.
In a phone interview with Toggle (in-between takes on set), Pan Ling Ling admitted she felt “terrible” for what has happened and clarified that she didn’t wish to “harm any person or family, including Julie's parents”.
I would like to apologise to them. I am friends with her mother and I don’t wish for her to have any misunderstandings with me, so this is the least I can do as a friend.
Pan Ling Ling and Hong Hui Fang are both starring in the Channel 8 drama Reach for the Skies. We wonder how this whole saga will turn out?
This is a developing story, so stay tuned for more updates (if any)!
Text by: Girlsdaily SG