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Look Extra Kawaii With These Animal-Inspired Face Masks, Perfect For Animal Lovers

Look Extra Kawaii With These Animal-Inspired Face Masks, Perfect For Animal Lovers

By Amelia on 05 Jun 2020
Creative Editor
If she's not eating Indomee & hotdog, you can see her working out in her Muay Thai gym.

With this global pandemic happening, you gotta wear a mask anytime you're out. As of 15 April 2020, those caught without a mask outside will face a fine of $300 for the first offence, and $1000, for the second time.

As much as we might not want it, the face mask will be added to our fashion statement now. There's no harm in brightening your day and lifting your spirits with this kawaii face masks. The best part? It ships directly from HongKong and Japan to Singapore.

Read on to find out more!

Fashion label — Stars & Tart, which's based in Tokyo has released a series of Animal inspired face masks. It even includes Animal Crossing-inspired face masks. All the masks have a pocket for you to remove the disposable filter. A mask costs approximately around SGD $55 (includes delivery fee), and you can get it from their official website.

#1 Tom Nook Mask 

Tom Nook is a character who plays the most important role in all of the games. Look like a cute raccoon with this mask.

#2 Punchy Mask 

Doesn't this black cat face mask look like Punchy from Animal Crossing: New Horizon? The only difference will be that it's definitely way more awake than Punchy. It's currently out of stock on the official website, but hopefully, they will restock it.

#3 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Mask 

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King Charles custom made mask jacket #kingcharlescavalier

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The King Charles mask is made with a soft material that's comfortable to wear. The mask has a pocket for you to remove the disposable filter, such as a HEPA filter, to wash the mask and replace it after. It's definitely a mask that will make you fall head over heels with.

#4 Schnauzer Mask 

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Custom made schnauzer mask jacket #dogs#schnauzer

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It's easy to shy away from such a bold schnauzer animal-inspired mask but come on, somewhere deep down inside all of us, we are yearning to be able to pull off this animal print. Just do it and be comfortable in your own skin!

#5 Panda Mask 

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PandA mask jacket

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If you gazed into the mirror recently and notice a pair of panda eyes peering back at you, it's time for you to embrace your inner panda mode by wearing this panda mask.

#6 Rabbit Mask

No matter the breed, rabbits are arguably some of the cutest critters on the planet. With their long ears and bunny noses, rabbits are difficult to resist. Wear this rabbit mask out after phase 2 of the circuit breaker and you are sure to rake in all the compliments from your friends.

#7 Shiba Inu Mask 

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⭐️⭐️⭐️ ・ ??‍♀️:會唔會再出其他款嫁?? ??:緊係會啦! ??‍♀️:唔知會係咩呢?好期待 ・ 繼拼色款同貓貓款之後☀️☀️☀️ 再推出人見人愛shiba款?終於出狗仔款啦!今次貓狗都齊哂??我地係唔會咁偏心既??? ・ 最近推出果兩款都已經有好多客人即時搵我地order??真係好多謝大家既支持!我地會好俾心機車靚靚俾每一位客人???? ・ ・ ・ #starsandtart #starsandtartjp #starsandtarthk #k11 #handmademask #mask #catmask #可愛いマスク #オシャレ #オシャレマスク #マスク #ハンドメイドマスク #ウイルス対策 #口罩 #handmade口罩 #一齊抗疫 #日本有機棉 #香港加油 #戴住口罩都可以潮 #handmadeinjapan #請支持小店 #shiba #shibamask #しば #シバマスク #しばいぬ

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No one can turn away from these adorable Shiba Inu masks! They're adorable and pull at our heartstrings, lifting our moods instantly. This cute mask is simply irresistible.

#8 White Cat Mask

Not only are they extremely cute and Instagram-worthy, but you can also even hide your face if you want to avoid seeing some of your friends coincidentally outside.

You will have a hard time choosing between these masks, though it might be a little pricey for a mask and you will have to wait for the delivery, good things come to those who wait.

While you're here, check out these cute Korean-style face masks!

Share this post with a friend who needs this adorable animal-inspired mask!

Text by: GirlStyle SG

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