Useful Shaving Tips For Women To Know To Achieve Smooth And Soft Skin
When was the last time you attended your IPL hair removal sessions? That was probably 1 month ago before the circuit breaker even started. If you love a relatively hairless body like I do, you will need to shave your legs, armpits, and other areas of your body.
Since we can't have our IPL hair removal sessions now, why not make do with shaving those unsightly hairs off with a razor instead? We have listed a few smooth shaving tips that every ladies should know to make the process go smoothly.
Scroll down to find out more!
#1 Exfoliate skin first before shaving
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It's important to exfoliate before shaving as it helps to get rid of dead skin cells first so they won’t be stuck on your razor. Try using a sonic face cleansing brush to exfoliate your legs before using the razor.
#2 Swap your shaving cream once in a while with a hair conditioner
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Wet the hair with warm water before shaving first. Hair conditioner helps to keep the razor gliding smoothly while you're shaving. Swap your shaving cream with a hair conditioner once in a while and you will realise it works wonders just like the shaving cream.
#3 Shave downward then upwards
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Who's guilty of shaving our legs or armpits in an upward direction? Well for those with sensitive skin, it's best to shave downward first then upwards to let the hairs come loose first.
#4 Shave daily
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The more often you shave, the slower the hair growth. Make it a habit to shave daily or twice in a week so that you won't be struggling when more hairs are growing out.
#5 Pull your skin taut
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Pull your skin taut so as to help the blade move across easier. Be gentle while pulling so that you won't hurt the skin.
#6 Indulge and treat your dark armpits with natural ingredients
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If you have been shaving for quite some time even before the circuit breaker started, you will realise that your armpits have darkened due to shaving. Try rubbing some cucumbers or potato slices and lemon juice on your armpits to lighten the darker areas.
#7 Use baby oil or aloe vera gel after shaving
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After shaving you might realise the areas are slightly more sensitive and itchy, treat it with baby oil or aloe vera gel.
#8 Replace your razor often
Photo from Braun
How often you change your razor will depend on how good the tools are and how well you take care of them. Remember whenever you notice the razor blade looks rusty it should be tossed right away as it will damage your skin. Invest in a good razor like the ones from Braun. If it's your first time shaving, indulge in this Silk-épil Beauty Set 5, a starter hair removal set for face & body. Get it here for USD 84.95.
While you're here, check out how to trim your eyebrows at home!
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Text by: GirlStyle SG