Easy Tips To Get Rid Of Neck Lines
Have you noticed some changes in your neck area, like lines that were not there before? We tend to put in effort and time into facial care but often overlook the neck area. The lines can appear at any age and we all know it is incredibly difficult to remove. Plus, these days we spend a lot of time looking down at our handphones and laptops that’s caused neck lines to appear even earlier.
Here are some tips you can do it at home. While it may not be entirely possible to remove lines on the neck, you can take steps to minimise the appearance of such lines.
Photo from Carina喵酱_ via 小红书
Photo from Carina喵酱_ via 小红书
Turn your head to the right, then tilt it back slightly so you feel the muscles along the left side of your neck engage. You may also feel a lift in the muscles along the left side of your face. Hold the position as you breathe in and out deeply. Then, turn to the left and repeat the exercise. 20 seconds on each side.
Next, hug your head and do open and close motion continuously for 1 minute. Remember to use more force!
Last but not least, raise your hands behind your head and extend them outward as if you were trying to touch them to the ceiling. Stretched and tilt your face up. Hold this position for 30 seconds
Repeat 30 times.
#Neck Cream
Photo from Carina喵酱_ via 小红书
Apply neck cream using an upward-sweeping motions to discourage sagging. Allow the product time to sink in before getting dressed or putting anything on top of it, as the cream can migrate very easily to the hair or shoulders, or settle into neck creases. Put cling film to prevent the cream from migrating and it helps to absorb into the skin faster as well.
Leave it for 20-30 minutes before removing the film.
Photo from Carina喵酱_ via 小红书
Use your fingers and massage upwards for 30 seconds. Next use your knuckles and gently massage downwards from top down for another 30 seconds. Lastly, use both hands to to massage upwards for both sides for 30 seconds as well. Voila, you are done!
Photo from Carina喵酱_ via 小红书
Try these simple steps for daily to reduce the appearance of existing neck lines and prevent more from forming in the future.
Know of a girlfriend who could use these tips? Do share this with them!
Text by: GirlStyle SG