Useful Tips On How To Keep Yourself Healthy In Light Of The Current Wuhan Virus Situation
The Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak shocked everyone with its unprecedented spread and many people have been scrambling to take measures to prevent themselves from being infected.
Here are some ways to keep yourself healthy during this trying period.
Read on to find out more!
#1 Wear the right face mask
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Although the government has advised that wearing a face mask is not necessary if you are well, for those who are still very worried, the right mask to wear is a surgical mask.
Rather than N95 masks designed to filter airborne particles (useful in haze situations), wearing a surgical mask helps to block droplets and splatter from reaching your mouth and nose.
#2 Avoid touching your face with unclean hands
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Our hands are full of germs so it's always best to avoid touching your face before washing them. You wouldn't want to transfer those germs from your hands to your mouth and nose, resulting in you falling sick, especially during this crucial period!
#3 Use a hand sanitiser regularly
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If you managed to purchase hand sanitisers before they flew off the shelves, good for you! Remember to use it regularly to kill the bacteria on your hands.
A sanitiser that contains at least 60% alcohol will be effective.
#4 Wash your hands with soap regularly
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Washing your hands with just water will not kill bacteria so don't be lazy! Wash your hands with soap regularly and scrub for at least 20 seconds. Do so before eating and before touching your face.
#5 Check your temperature regularly
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If you are feeling under the weather, check your temperature regularly and visit a doctor if you display any symptoms. Remember to wear a mask if you are feeling unwell so as to not spread it to others!
#6 Use an air purifier
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An air purifier removes contaminants in the air and improves indoor air quality. You can never be too careful in such a situation so if you own one, use it! Otherwise, get one as it will come in handy in your daily life.
#7 Avoid close contact with people who are sick
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There is currently no evidence of community spread in Singapore but you should still avoid close contact with people who are sick, even if you think you have a strong immune system.
#8 Sign up to receive latest information from the government regarding the virus
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The government has a WhatsApp Subscription service where people can sign up to receive the latest information about the virus and factual and important updates.
Prevent yourself from being strayed by fake news on the internet as the government will debunk any fake news regarding the virus via WhatsApp messages sent directly to your phone too.
Stay safe and healthy and tough times will pass!
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Text by: GirlStyle SG